Welcome to the HBSMR WEB and API reference site

This site is a reference implementation of HBSMR WEB and API. It can be wired up with any HBSMR database for demonstration purposes. If you would like to see your HER data published through this site please contact us.

HBSMR WEB can be implemented as a full public website for a Historic Environment Record. Example implementations include

The website can optionally include API web services ("HBSMR API"). It can also be used in an API-only mode, with the website interface only serving to manage the API, and not intended for public use.

This reference site includes both WEB and API components. The WEB elements are all visible in the web pages in this site. The API contains several different styles of web service. One style, used for simple and fast access to HBSMR records, is documented and can be tested here.

We have also written some non-technical documentation of HBSMR WEB and API.