Scheduled Monument: Fort George (SM6692)
Please read our guidance page about the Local List and other heritage designations.
Authority | Historic Scotland |
Old ID | 90146 |
Date assigned | 30 November 1981 |
Date last amended | 17 August 2012 |
The monument known as Fort George consists of an artillery fort, built by the Government in the aftermath of the 1745 Jacobite Rising to replace the earlier fort at Inverness. Construction began in 1748 and was completed in 1769. The fort is an angle-bastioned defensive structure designed to house 2,000 soldiers. The fort defences comprise outworks, including a covered way, ravelin and ditches, and ramparts containing five bastions and two demi-bastions, joined by lengths of curtain wall. Casemates beneath parts of the ramparts provide additional bomb-proof accommodation for the garrison. The parade ground is in the east of the fort, flanked by the imposing artillery and staff blocks. Beyond these are two large U-shaped barrack blocks around a square, then the ordnance and provision stores. At the western end of the fort is the garrison chapel. The site lies on a promontory, at 0-5m above sea level and 1.1km W of Nairn. The area to be scheduled is irregular in plan to include the remains described above and surrounding area within which evidence relating to the monument's construction, use and abandonment may survive. It includes the fort and an area that retains the level ground surface created at the time of the fort's construction and may also retain evidence for activities associated with the construction and use of the fort. It extends to the mean low water mark of spring tides on the N, S and W. To the E, it extends beyond the glacis, to include all defences and an area around these within which remains associated with their construction and use are likely to survive. Excluded from the scheduling are the top 30cm of the surfaces of the modem roads, hard standings and footpaths, to allow for their maintenance. The above-ground elements of fences are also excluded. For the avoidance of doubt, the chapel (still in ecclesiastical use), the sergeants' sleeping quarters, the staff block and barracks and the sergeants' mess (all occupied as dwelling houses) are specifically excluded from the scheduling. The monument, which lies in the Parish of Ardersier and the County of Inverness as shown in red on the Plan annexed and executed as relative hereto and which forms part of the subjects described in the Disposition by John Campbell in favour of His Majesty and His Royal Heirs and Successors dated 22 August 1767 and recorded in the Division of the General Register of Sasines for the County of Inverness on 9 January 1768 (the present owner whereof being Secretary of State for Defence, MoD Main Building, Whitehall, London, SW1A 2HB), is hereby included in the Schedule of Monuments appearing to the Scottish Ministers to be of national importance compiled and maintained by them under section 1(1) of the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979.
External Links (1)
- (Historic Scotland scheduled monument description)
Sources (33)
- SHG24293 Text/Correspondence: Historic Scotland. Application for Scheduled Monument Consent - Final Consent. Digital (scanned as PDF). 04/02/2010 - Carry out LPG pipework upgrade.
- SHG24293 Text/Correspondence: Historic Scotland. Application for Scheduled Monument Consent - Final Consent. Digital (scanned as PDF). 04/09/2008 - Drill holes in walls for installation of new communications network for MOD.
- SHG24293 Text/Correspondence: Historic Scotland. Application for Scheduled Monument Consent - Final Consent. Digital (scanned as PDF). 06/02/2009 - Install length of galvanised tracking and tray into CCP/Restricted Rooms of Building 20.
- SHG24293 Text/Correspondence: Historic Scotland. Application for Scheduled Monument Consent - Final Consent. Digital (scanned as PDF). 06/04/2011 - Refurbishment of the Highlander's Museum.
- SHG24293 Text/Correspondence: Historic Scotland. Application for Scheduled Monument Consent - Final Consent. Digital (scanned as PDF). 07/10/2010 - Opening up works to determine condition, Highlanders Museum.
- SHG24293 Text/Correspondence: Historic Scotland. Application for Scheduled Monument Consent - Final Consent. Digital (scanned as PDF). 09/02/2005 - Install 300 telecommunication lines.
- SHG24293 Text/Correspondence: Historic Scotland. Application for Scheduled Monument Consent - Final Consent. Digital (scanned as PDF). 09/06/2008 - Erect a temporary marquee and associated tents for Summer Ball.
- SHG24293 Text/Correspondence: Historic Scotland. Application for Scheduled Monument Consent - Final Consent. Digital (scanned as PDF). 14/01/2008 - Provision of new cold water storage tanks and distribution pipework in roof of barracks.
- SHG24293 Text/Correspondence: Historic Scotland. Application for Scheduled Monument Consent - Final Consent. Digital (scanned as PDF). 14-07-2009 - Install one, possibly two, lightning conductors.
- SHG24293 Text/Correspondence: Historic Scotland. Application for Scheduled Monument Consent - Final Consent. Digital (scanned as PDF). 15/01/2008 - Install 4 new communications cabinets, large UPS, air condition unit and power switchge.
- SHG24293 Text/Correspondence: Historic Scotland. Application for Scheduled Monument Consent - Final Consent. Digital (scanned as PDF). 15/02/2006 - Hand dig ground to allow access to faulty cable.
- SHG24293 Text/Correspondence: Historic Scotland. Application for Scheduled Monument Consent - Final Consent. Digital (scanned as PDF). 17/11/2010 - Erect marquee.
- SHG24293 Text/Correspondence: Historic Scotland. Application for Scheduled Monument Consent - Final Consent. Digital (scanned as PDF). 20/10/2009 - Carry out improvement to fire alarm system, emergency lighting and escape routes.
- SHG24293 Text/Correspondence: Historic Scotland. Application for Scheduled Monument Consent - Final Consent. Digital (scanned as PDF). 20/11/2007 - Install semi-permanent cabin to house communciations equipment in courtyard of Bdg 21.
- SHG24293 Text/Correspondence: Historic Scotland. Application for Scheduled Monument Consent - Final Consent. Digital (scanned as PDF). 20/11/2007 - Upgrade existing boiler flues by external painting and provision of guy wires.
- SHG24293 Text/Correspondence: Historic Scotland. Application for Scheduled Monument Consent - Final Consent. Digital (scanned as PDF). 24-07-2009 - Amended consent for lightning conductors, including 5 additional rods with trench betwe.
- SHG24293 Text/Correspondence: Historic Scotland. Application for Scheduled Monument Consent - Final Consent. Digital (scanned as PDF). 25-03-2010 - Install fibre optic cable and associated cabinets.
- SHG24293 Text/Correspondence: Historic Scotland. Application for Scheduled Monument Consent - Final Consent. Digital (scanned as PDF). 27/01/2011 - Amended SMC for opening-up works at Highlanders Museum.
- SHG24293 Text/Correspondence: Historic Scotland. Application for Scheduled Monument Consent - Final Consent. Digital (scanned as PDF). 27-03-2009 Install galvanised tracking and fit galvanised conduit in Room 20.
- SHG24293 Text/Correspondence: Historic Scotland. Application for Scheduled Monument Consent - Final Consent. Digital (scanned as PDF). 27-09-2011 - Erection of marquee (5 year consent for erection annually).
- SHG24293 Text/Correspondence: Historic Scotland. Application for Scheduled Monument Consent - Final Consent. Digital (scanned as PDF). 28/11/2007 - Amended SMC for semi-permanent cabin.
- SHG24293 Text/Correspondence: Historic Scotland. Application for Scheduled Monument Consent - Final Consent. Digital (scanned as PDF). 29/05/2008 - Relocate a Battalion sign.
- SHG24293 Text/Correspondence: Historic Scotland. Application for Scheduled Monument Consent - Final Consent. Digital (scanned as PDF). 30/10/2009 - Core 2 holes through historic masonry to facilitate the placing of a sink.
- SHG24292 Text/Correspondence: Historic Scotland. Application for Scheduled Monument Consent - Provisional View. Digital (scanned as PDF). 10-07-2009 - Install one, possibly two, lightning conductors.
- SHG24292 Text/Correspondence: Historic Scotland. Application for Scheduled Monument Consent - Provisional View. Digital (scanned as PDF). 29/11/11 - Erection of aerial.
- SHG27033 Text/Designation Notification/Scheduled Monument: Angelaka, E.. 2013. Fort George: Amendment to Scheduled Monument Consent Decision notice (Case ID 201304230). Historic Scotland. 16/10/2013. Digital. 16/10/2013 - Case ID 201304230.
- SHG27000 Text/Designation Notification/Scheduled Monument: Cummins, B.. 2012. Fort George: Scheduled Monument Consent Decision notice (Case ID 201203519). Historic Scotland. 12/09/2012. Digital. 05/10/2012 - Case ID 201203519.
- SHG27036 Text/Designation Notification/Scheduled Monument: Cummins, B.. 2013. Fort George: Scheduled Monument Consent Decision notice (Case ID 201304708). Historic Scotland. 21/11/2013. Digital. 21/11/2013 - Case ID 201304708.
- SHG27044 Text/Designation Notification/Scheduled Monument: Cummins, B.. 2014. Fort George: Scheduled Monument Consent Decision notice (Case ID 201400068). Historic Scotland. 15/04/2014. Digital. 15/04/2014 - Case ID 201400068.
- SHG27058 Text/Designation Notification/Scheduled Monument: Cummins, B.. 2014. Fort George: Scheduled Monument Consent Decision notice (Case ID 201402034). Historic Scotland. 08/08/2014. Digital. 08/08/2014 - Case ID 201402034.
- SHG27097 Text/Designation Notification/Scheduled Monument: Cummins, B.. 2015. Fort George: Scheduled Monument Consent Decision notice (Case ID 201503095). Historic Scotland. 02/09/2015. Digital. 02/09/2015 - Case ID 201503095.
- SHG27115 Text/Designation Notification/Scheduled Monument: Historic Scotland. 2013. Fort George: Scheduled Monument Consent Decision notice (Case ID 201207852). Historic Scotland. 22/03/2013. Digital. 22/03/2013 - Case ID 201207852.
- SHG27012 Text/Designation Notification/Scheduled Monument: Rutherford, A.. 2013. Fort George: Amendment to Scheduled Monument Consent Decision notice (Case ID 201206289). Historic Scotland. 08/01/2013. Digital. 08/01/2013 - Case ID 201206289.
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Grid reference | Centred NH 763 567 (858m by 659m) |
Map sheet | NH75NE |
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Record last edited
Jan 5 2016 12:10PM