Site Event/Activity record EHG114 - Excavation - Camas Daraich


Location Camas Daraich, Aird of Sleat, Isle of Skye
Grid reference Centred NG 5663 0007 (383m by 439m)
Map sheet NG50SE
Geographical Area SKYE AND LOCHALSH
Civil Parish SLEAT



Centre for Field Archaeology, University of Edinburgh


November 1999 - May 2000

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Pre-excavation work in November 1999, excavation work in May 2000, and preliminary analysis on the site of Camas Daraich was carried out as a collaborative project between the Centre for Field Archaeology, University of Edinburgh, and Historic Scotland. The objectives of the pre-excavation work were: to cover the exposed site; to prevent further damage to surviving archaeological remains; to collect all visible artefactual material; to record and collect finds from any other lithic find spots. The excavations in May 2000 focused on the main site, and were designed as a trial season to characterise the site. They were designed to assess its: size; preservation levels and amount of destruction caused by the bulldozed track; artefact types; date. <1>

Sources/Archives (2)

  • --- Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Wickham-Jones, C and Hardy, K. 2004. Camas Daraich: A Mesolithic site at the Point of Sleat, Skye. Scottish Archaeological Internet Report Vol. 12. Digital.
  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Jones Caroline C R. 2000. Camas Daraich 2000: Data Structure Report. Centre for Field Archaeology, Univ of Edinburgh. 30/11/2000. Digital (scanned as PDF).

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Record last edited

Jul 1 2016 12:34PM

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