Site Event/Activity record EHG1384 - Geophysical survey - High Pasture Cave site, Isle of Skye


Location High Pasture Cave, near Torrin, Isle of Skye
Grid reference Centred NG 5941 1973 (170m by 85m)
Map sheet NG51NE
Geographical Area SKYE AND LOCHALSH
Civil Parish STRATH



David Hodgson


April-May 2006


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A geophysical survey covering approximately 0.56 hectares was undertaken by D Hodgson in two areas around the enhanced entrance to a natural cave system, known as High Pasture Cave or Uamh an Ard Achadh, near Torrin, Skye in 2006. Fluxgate gradiometer and earth resistance surveys were conducted over a survey grid designed to assess the potential for metal working and archaeological features associated with the cave entrance. A separate grid was located approximately 30m to the south west to assess the potential of a feature provisionally interpreted as a hut circle. <1> The results are also included in the Data Structure Report for the 2006 excavation at the site. <2>

Sources/Archives (2)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Hodgson, D and Moore, S. 05/2006. Geophysical Survey Report: High Pasture Cave, Isle of Skye. Unaffiliated. 14/06/2006. .
  • <2> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Birch, S, Wildgoose, M and Kozikowski, G. 04/2007. Uamh an Ard Achadh (High Pasture Cave) & Environs Project, Strath, Isle of Skye 2006: The Preliminary Assessment and Analysis of Late Prehistoric Cultural Deposits from a Limestone Cave and Associated Surface Features. West Coast Archaeological Services et al. Digital. Section 4.1.

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • Uamh an Ard Achadh (High Pasture Cave) (Monument)

Child/subsequent Site Events/Activities (1)

  • Trial excavations - High Pasture Cave site, Isle of Skye: 2006 season (Ref: HPC003)

Record last edited

Dec 15 2014 10:02AM

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