Site Event/Activity record EHG1436 - Excavation - Swordle Bay, Ardnamurchan (2006 season)


Location Swordle Bay, Ardnamurchan
Grid reference Centred NM 5466 7076 (146m by 33m)
Map sheet NM57SW
Geographical Area LOCHABER



Ardnamurchan Transitions Project


July-Aug 2006


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Three excavation trenches were carried out by members of the Ardnamurchan Transitions Project during July and August 2006 in order to investigate archaeological features in Swordle Bay, Ardnamurchan. The work was undertaken for two reasons: to assist in developing a detailed excavation strategy for future seasons and to provide a preliminary contribution towards the wider project aims of establishing date, form and chronological sequence of the Cladh Aindreis chambered cairn. Secondly, to begin to define the boundaries of the monument and the record the palaeoenvironmental setting of the site.Trench 1 was placed in proximity to the remains of the Cladh Aindreis chambered cairn with a 5m buffer zone to ensure that no work was carried out within the designated Scheduled Ancient Monument (SAM) area of this monument. This trench contained a small stone cairn. The second trench, a small 1x2m test pit was opened on top of a small knoll to the east of the chamber cairn. The third trench was opened to the north west measuring 6.9x1m to investigate an area that had respected by lazy bed cultivation. <1> <2> Trench 3 was subsequently expanded in 2011 (see EHG4085).

Sources/Archives (2)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Richardson, P. & Cobb, H.. 2006. Cladh Andreis Chambered Cairn, Swordle Bay, Ardnamurchan - Season One DSR, 2006. Ardnamurchan Transitions Project. 06/11/2006. Digital.
  • <2> Text/Publication/Serial: McAdam, E and Millburn, P. 2006. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland - New Series, Volume 7, 2006. Paper (Original).

Related Monuments/Buildings (2)

  • Cladh Aindreis Chambered Cairn - Swordle Bay, Ardnamurchan (Monument)
  • Viking boat burial - Ardnamurchan peninsula (Monument)

Record last edited

Aug 18 2014 2:15PM

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