Site Event/Activity record EHG148 - Watching Brief - John O'Groats Sewerage Scheme


Location John O'Groats
Grid reference Centred ND 3786 7337 (355m by 51m)
Map sheet ND37SE
Civil Parish CANISBAY
Geographical Area CAITHNESS



Glasgow University (GUARD)


May 1995


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A watching brief was conducted by GUARD in 1995 during the preparation of ground for the laying of a water pipe at John O'Groats, through an area which had previously revealed archaeological remains. The original intention for the watching brief was for GUARD to observe all three sections of topsoil stripping, though as one (B-C on the plan in the report) had already been subject to geophysical survey and test pitting (see EHG124 & EHG4309), it was subsequently agreed that only the two other sections (A-B and C-D) needed to be observed. In the event, C-D was observed by B Gourlay of Highland Regional Council and this established that no archaeological remains were present in this area. In section A-B, it was found that the eastern 100m had already been machine stripped to a depth of aproximatley 0.3m in a trench 3.2m wide before the GUARD archaeologist arrived. This appeared to have removed all the topsoil and subsoil down to the level of the bedrock, though it became evident that previous ploughing had already removed the subsoil. In a few small areas where subsoil survived, cleaning back revealed nothing of archaeological significance. However, several stray finds, including three pieces of undiagnostic flint, a possibly C14 pottery rim sherd and two pieces of animal bone. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Taylor, K. J.. 1995. John O'Groats Drainage Scheme: Archaeological Watching Brief. Glasgow University (GUARD). 30/01/1995. Paper and Digital.

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Record last edited

Aug 5 2014 3:14PM

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