Site Event/Activity record EHG1552 - Archaeological and palaeoenvironmental assessment, Churchton Bay, Raasay


Location Clachan Harbour, Churchton Bay, Raasay
Grid reference Centred NG 54460 36413 (77m by 77m) (Centred)
Map sheet NG53NW
Geographical Area SKYE AND LOCHALSH



CFA Archaeology Ltd


Jan and Feb 2007


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A palaeoenvironmental assessment of inter-tidal peat within Clachan Harbour, Raasay, was conducted in advance of the construction of a new ferry terminal. The work comprised an inter-tidal peat appraisal. Four marker pegs were place at strategic locations fo the purpose of monitoring future erosion. Test pits were then excavated every 5m to the north, east and south of MP2 and MP3, and were randomly placed to the west of MP2. The pits were excavated down to the surface of the peat. Four areas of peat and relict tree stumps which were most at risk from erosion were cordoned off and numbered F1 to F4 and were the subject of further investigation (see EHG3073). <1>-<3>

Sources/Archives (3)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Cressey, M, Dawson, S, Richardson, P and White, R. 02/2007. Clachan Harbour, Churchton Bay, Raasay: an Archaeological and Palaeonvironmental Assessment of an Intertidal Peat Deposit. CFA Archaeology Ltd. 01/03/2007. Digital.
  • <2> Text/Report: Cressey, M, Dawson, S, and White, R. 2008?. Early Holocene relative sea-level changes at Clachan Harbour, Raasay, Scottish Hebrides. CFA Archaeology Ltd. . Digital (scanned as PDF).
  • <3> Text/Publication/Article: Ballin, T, White, R, Richardson, P and Neighbour, T. 2010. 'An Early Mesolithic Stone Tool Assemblage From Clachan Harbour, Raasay, Scottish Hebrides' in Lithics, Volume 31, pp1-11. Digital.

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • Lithic scatter, Clachan Harbour (Monument)

Child/subsequent Site Events/Activities (2)

  • Watching brief at Raasay Ferry Terminal (Ref: RAAS4)
  • Archaeological excavation of inter-tidal deposits, Churchton Bay, Raasay

Record last edited

Oct 21 2014 3:43PM

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