Site Event/Activity record EHG167 - Evaluation - Eastgate Centre, Inverness
Location | Eastgate, Academy Street |
Grid reference | Centred NH 66875 45450 (169m by 169m) |
Map sheet | NH64NE |
Geographical Area | INVERNESS |
AOC Archaeology Group
11/1999 - 01/2000
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A two phased evaluation was carried out by AOC Archaeology at the Eastgate Centre, Inverness prior to commercial redevelopment. A topographic survey, comprising a high resolution GPS survey, of the area was also carried out. The primary objectives were to identify any significant archaeological remains relating to the 1885 railway and determine the presence of absence of the medieval burghal ditch. The first stage of the evaluation (referred to as Phase II) took place between the 10th and 19th of November 1999. The second stage (Phase I) took place between the 10th and 17th of January 2000. The evaluation comprised the machine excavation of eleven trenches covering roughly in excess of 1000m², in addition two test pits (positions not illustrated) were excavated into the underlying gravel to demonstrate their natural mode of formation. In the Phase II area (trenches 10-13) the trackways, platforms and buildings associated with the former Nairn to Inverness railway depicted on historic OS maps dating back to 1868 were identified and recorded, as were later railway additions and more recent site levelling episodes. In the Phase I area (trenches 1-7) a number of features relating to former buildings which fronted onto Academy Street were located. Trenches 1-3 confirmed the nature of the cellars of these buildings and demonstrated that, despite expectations, the medieval burghal ditch was not present in this portion of the site. A large key-hole shaped pit was tentatively identified as the remnants of a industrial activity, perhaps a malting kiln, corn drier or even an iron processing pit. A large 'U'-shaped ditch oriented roughly north-south (Ditch 1) was tentatively identified as the medieval burghal ditch and sections were excavated in trenches 4 and 5. A second ditch (Ditch 2) was seen at the northern end of trench 6. Because of the results of the Phase I evaluation trenches a subsequent excavation (see EHG383) was carried out between 24th January and 4th February 2000. <1> See also published article. <2>
Sources/Archives (2)
- <1> SHG21136 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Ellis, C.. 2000. Eastgate Centre, Phase I, Phase II and Excavation: Data Structure Report. AOC Archaeology Group. 30/01/2000. Paper and Digital.
- <2> SHG23269 Text/Publication/Article: Ellis, C. (ed.). 2002. Excavation of Two Ditches and a Medieval Grain-drying Kiln, Inverness, Highland. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Vol.132. 425-437. Paper (Copy).
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Record last edited
Oct 17 2014 2:48PM