Site Event/Activity record EHG22 - DBA and Walkover Survey - North Applecross WGS


Location Applecross, Wester Ross
Grid reference Centred NG 7383 5522 (10094m by 9871m)
Map sheet NG75NW
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY



Catherine Dagg


April 1999


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A rapid walk-over survey of a proposed Woodland Grant Scheme application at North Applecross, Wester Ross, was commissioned by Scottish Woodlands Ltd. The purpose of this survey was to identify areas of archaeological importance in advance of the submission of detailed planting plans, and to recommend measures to be taken to minimise damage to the identified archaeological features. A desk-based assessment was conducted. This was followed by a rapid walk-over survey carried out on April 15-17 1999 in generally dry and sunny conditions, occasionally with a light covering of snow. The exceptions to these weather conditions were the Inverbain area, surveyed in a heavy snowfall, and Aird, surveyed in steady rain. As such large areas were to be covered in the survey, effort was concentrated along the courses of the rivers nd streams, and around the shores of the lochans as the most likely areas for human activity. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Dagg C. 1999. An Archaeological Survey of a Proposed Woodland Grant Scheme at North Applecross, Wester Ross. Catherine Dagg. 30/04/1999. Digital (scanned as PDF).

Related Monuments/Buildings (5)

  • Abhainn a' Chracaich (Monument)
  • Allt Na Moine (Monument)
  • Loch na Creige (Monument)
  • Possible Shieling Hut, Allt an T-Srathain (Monument)
  • Wall, Burn of Isauld (Monument)

Record last edited

Jun 23 2016 3:27PM

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