Site Event/Activity record EHG2832 - Walkover survey and photographic recording - Ashfield Farm, Fearn
Location | Ashfield Farm, Fearn |
Grid reference | Centred NH 85895 77215 (153m by 117m) |
Map sheet | NH87NE |
Geographical Area | ROSS AND CROMARTY |
Operational Area | ROSS SKYE AND LOCHABER |
Highland Archaeology Services Ltd
Oct-Nov 2008
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A walkover survey was undertaken in order to identify any archaeology and built heritage in danger of disturbance during the proposed development of two house sites at Ashfield Farm, Fearn, Ross and Cromarty. The locations of each of the identified features and structures were recorded. A photographic record was made of each of the identified structures and features and a dimensioned sketch was drawn of the ground-plan of the most notable of these, Structure 11. <1>
Sources/Archives (1)
- <1> SHG23999 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: McCullagh, C. 11/2008. Ashfield Farm, Fearn: Walkover Survey and Building Recording. Highland Archaeology Services Ltd. 26/11/2008. Digital.
Related Monuments/Buildings (3)
Record last edited
Oct 28 2014 3:40PM