Site Event/Activity record EHG2893 - Trial trenching - Dalmore Farm, Alness


Location Dalmore, Alness
Grid reference Centred NH 66139 69038 (489m by 347m) (Centred)
Map sheet NH66NE
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY
Civil Parish ROSSKEEN



Highland Archaeology Services Ltd


Oct-Dec 2005


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A trial trenching evaluation was undertaken by Highland Archaeology Services between October and December 2005 on a proposed housing development site at Dalmore, Alness. The site consisted of three large fields which had been allocated for housing development. Thirty-seven trial trenches, covering approximately 2.5 acres, were excavated to provide a site sample of over 10%. The entire area formed part of RAF Alness during the Second World War, and had clearly been disturbed by military activity as well as subsequent site clearance. A scatter of fragmentary artefacts from that period was noted within the topsoil. Beneath this, site clearance had been thorough and the subsoil comprised clean, natural mixed periglacial sands and gravels with some areas of rounded stones. A number of possible features were investigated that proved to be the result of tree roots and animal burrowing, but three areas require further investigation. One of these (Trench 35), though very disturbed, contained a large number of early Bronze Age ritual pottery sherds. Apart from targetted fieldwork to clarify these three areas, no further archaeological fieldwork was proposed. <1>

Sources/Archives (2)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Wood, J. 09/2011. Proposed housing development at Dalmore, Alness: Site Evaluation (2005). Highland Archaeology Services Ltd. Digital.
  • <2> Collection/Project Archive: Wood, J. 09/2011. Proposed housing development at Dalmore, Alness: Site Evaluation (2005). Highland Archaeology Services Ltd. Digital.

Related Monuments/Buildings (2)

  • Cut features and Early Bronze Age pottery, Dalmore Farm, Alness (Monument)
  • Possible prehistoric roundhouse or pit circle, Dalmore Farm, Alness (Monument)

Record last edited

Apr 9 2015 10:58AM

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