Site Event/Activity record EHG2932 - Excavation - Castle Stuart Golf Course, Inverness


Location Castle Stuart Golf Course, Inverness
Grid reference Centred NH 74052 50042 (159m by 152m) (Surveyed)
Map sheet NH75SW
Civil Parish PETTY
Geographical Area INVERNESS



Highland Archaeology Services Ltd


Aug-Sept 2007



An excavation was conducted in August and September of 2007 to identify, excavate and record all features already exposed following a watching brief conducted by CFA Archaeology in May 2007. Two trenches were opened between 8 August–21 September 2007, the main excavation area with a measurement of c4470m2 and a smaller section immediately to the S c885m2. The watching brief had indicated a high concentration of pits, but when investigated, a large proportion were in fact natural depressions filled with topsoil or anomalies attributed to tree root action. Several small pits containing worked flint and BA pottery were found, as well as a large, deep wattle-lined pit with a diameter of 3.50m and stakeholes arcing around the base circumference. Three well defined firepits were also excavated along with a partial curvilinear small ditch-like feature, increasing in depth from SE/NW. Archive deposited with RCAHMS. Funder: Castle Stuart Golf. <1><2>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <2> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Malone, E and Wood, J. 03/2009. Archaeological Excavation: Castle Stuart Golf Course, Inverness. Highland Archaeology Services Ltd. 03/04/2009. Digital.

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • Prehistoric occupation remains at Castle Stuart (Monument)

Parent/preceding Site Events/Activities (1)

  • Castle Stuart Golf Course, Inverness

Record last edited

Apr 30 2015 11:56AM

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