Site Event/Activity record EHG2940 - DBA and walkover survey - Conchra Estate, Lochalsh and Kintail


Location Conchra Estate
Grid reference Centred NG 87136 29688 (2598m by 1914m)
Map sheet NG82NE
Geographical Area SKYE AND LOCHALSH
Civil Parish KINTAIL
Civil Parish LOCHALSH



Catherine Dagg


July 2010


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A desk-based evaluation, followed by a rapid walk-over survey, were carried out in 2010 by Catherine Dagg on the Conchra Estate, Lochalsh, prior to a proposed broadleaf planting scheme. A number of new sites were recorded, most being of post-medieval and later date but a possible Bronze Age or Iron Age hut circle was also found. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Dagg, C.. 2010. Conchra Estate, Lochalsh, Inverness-shire: Native Broadleaves Planting Scheme Archaeological Evaluation. Unaffiliated. . Digital.

Related Monuments/Buildings (10)

  • Boundary bank - south of Allt Glean Udalain, Lochalsh (Monument)
  • Boundary bank - south of Allt Glean Udalain, Lochalsh (Monument)
  • Boundary dyke - south of Allt Glean Udalain, Lochalsh (Monument)
  • Clearance cairns or possible shielings - Allt Glean Udalain, Lochalsh (Monument)
  • Enclosure - Allt Glean Udalain, Lochalsh (Monument)
  • Enclosure - Allt Glean Udalain, Lochalsh (Monument)
  • Possible building - Allt Glean Udalain, Lochalsh (Monument)
  • Possible hut circle - south of Allt Glean Udalain, Lochalsh (Monument)
  • Ruined building - Allt Loch Anna, Lochalsh (Monument)
  • Shieling - south of Allt Glean Udalain, Lochalsh (Monument)

Record last edited

Nov 27 2014 10:19AM

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