Site Event/Activity record EHG2975 - Trial trenching - Chapel Hill, Ballachly, Dunbeath


Location Chapel Hill, Ballachly, Dunbeath
Grid reference Centred ND 1570 3029 (88m by 50m)
Map sheet ND13SE
Civil Parish LATHERON
Geographical Area CAITHNESS



University of Nottingham


July 2007


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Following a geophysical survey involving both resistivity and magnetometry, a limited trial excavation was carried out by the University of Nottingham at the supposed early Christian monastic site at Ballachly near Dunbeath, in 2007. The three trenches were excavated outside the Scheduled area. A terrace to the southeast of the Scheduled area appeared to be defined by anomalies suggestive of an enclosure ditch, however excavation of Trench 1 indicated that tese had been caused by freshwater springs following the contour of the terrace. A substantial wall was found in Trench 2. Trench 3 was excavated to investigate an anomaly in the magnetometer survey results. This found a layer of cobbles overlain by a deposit containing a sherd of glazed C13-C14 pottery. Work was expected to continue in 2008. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Text/Publication/Article: Laing, L.. 2008. Ballachly: Geophysical survey, excavation. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland Vol. 8 (2007). 118-9. Digital.

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • Monastery, Ballachly (Monument)

Record last edited

Jul 2 2014 10:14AM

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