Site Event/Activity record EHG3086 - Peat survey - Acharacle Primary School


Location Land north east of Acharacle Primary School
Grid reference Centred NM 67473 68211 (95m by 107m) (Centred)
Map sheet NM66NE
Geographical Area LOCHABER



AOC Archaeology Group


July 2009


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In July 2009 a sub peat and findspot survey, coupled to palaeoenvironmental assessment, was undertaken in response to the recovery of five radially split wooden planks recovered in the exposed section of a newly cut drainage ditch. The ditch was cut under archaeological supervision during preparation works for a playing field adjacent to the new primary school at Acharacle. The survey recorded both the topography of the peat floor and the present ground surface at 5 m intervals, with closer 1 m interval sampling in the vicinity of the findspot and in two previously identified surface mounds of possible archaeological significance. A rapid assessment of the exposed drainage ditch sections identified a further mound feature and anthropogenic cut features in this newly identified mound, and in one of the previously identified mounds. The peat in the vicinity of the findspot of the previously recovered wooden planks was sampled. No further artefacts were recovered. <1>

Sources/Archives (2)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Clarke, C. 07/2009. Primary School Playing Field, Acharacle: Peat Survey Basic Report. AOC Archaeology Group. Digital.
  • <2> Text/Report: Crone, A. 12/2009. Acharacle Primary School playing field; analysis and dating of the worked wood assemblage. AOC Archaeology Group. . Digital.

Related Monuments/Buildings (2)

  • Cut features, Acharacle (Monument)
  • Findspot of wooden planks, Acharacle (Find Spot)

Record last edited

Nov 27 2014 11:00AM

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