Site Event/Activity record EHG3096 - Building recording and watching brief, Grudie


Location 1.2km south of Grudie, Durness
Grid reference Centred NC 36376 61954 (44m by 54m) (Centred)
Map sheet NC36SE
Geographical Area SUTHERLAND



Ian Mchardy


September 2009


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A building survey and watching brief took place in connection with the erection of a new agricultural building which would involve the destruction of part of a fank wall and the removal of an area of topsoil. Work had started before the archaeologists arrived on site and the wall which was to be surveyed had already been dismantled. The remainder of the fank was subsequently planned and photographed. A watching brief took place during the stripping of topsoil over an area of approximately 600 square metres. No significant archaeological features were identified, but several sherds of non-diganostic 18th and 19th century ceramics were recovered together with a possible coarse stone tool. <1><2>

Sources/Archives (2)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: McHardy, I. 09/2009. Report on a Building Survey and Archaeological Watching Brief in advance of the erection of new shed/agricultural building at Grudie, Durness. Unaffiliated. Digital.
  • <2> Interactive Resource/Online Database: RCAHMS. OASIS (Online Access to the Index of Archaeological Investigations).

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • Sheepfank, Ach Chairn (Monument)

Record last edited

Nov 27 2014 11:04AM

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