Site Event/Activity record EHG3117 - Watching brief at Youkil Croft, Weydale


Location Youkil Croft, Weydale
Grid reference Centred ND 1532 6539 (71m by 59m)
Map sheet ND16NE
Geographical Area CAITHNESS



Highland Archaeology Services Ltd


June 2009


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An archaeological watching brief was carried out during construction of a house at Youkil Croft, Weydale, Caithness, in response to a planning condition. A proposed building survey could not be undertaken as demolition had already taken place before the archaeologist’s arrival. Parts of the wall foundations and a flag floor were still visible on the site but the internal divisions were not discernable. A verbal description of the building was obtained from the excavator driver. Details of a similar croft building nearby are included in the report to provide an indication of the style and proportions. The site had also been partially stripped of topsoil before the watching brief commenced. There was no evidence of damage to buried archaeological features however, and there are no recommendations for follow-up work. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Humphreys, P. 09/2009. Watching Brief: Youkil Croft, Weydale, Caithness. Highland Archaeology Services Ltd. Digital.

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • Site of crofthouse and enclosure, Youkil Croft, Weydale (Monument)

Record last edited

Nov 17 2015 1:43PM

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