Site Event/Activity record EHG3138 - Excavation at Slacknamarnock Quarry, Inverness


Location Former Slacknamarnock Quarry, Inverness
Grid reference Centred NH 65871 41670 (45m by 52m) (Centred)
Map sheet NH64SE
Geographical Area INVERNESS



Headland Archaeology Ltd


August 2008


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A monitored topsoil strip was undertaken at Slacknamarnock Quarry, Inverness in an area identified as "archaeologically sensitive". Previous monitoring on the site had identified no archaeological remains, but this part of the area had to be excluded due to the presence of badger setts. A cist burial had been discovered close to the area in 1970. The works revealed four features of archaeological interest: a pit containing iron smithing waste, a cist burial containing a crouched inhumation, a patch of burning and a scoop containing a double cremation burial. Further post-excavation work was recommended to include radiocarbon dating of the human remains. <1><2>

Sources/Archives (2)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Murray, R. 01/2009. Slacknamarnock Quarry, Inverness: Excavation of a cist and cremation burials. Headland Archaeology Ltd. Digital.
  • <2> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Troy, C. 01/2009. Appendix 4: Osteological Assessment in Slacknamarnock Quarry, Inverness: Excavation of a cist and cremation burials. Headland Archaeology Ltd. Digital.

Related Monuments/Buildings (3)

  • Cist burial - Slacknamarnock, Inverness (Monument)
  • Double cremation burial - Slacknamarnock, Inverness (Monument)
  • Pit with metalworking debris, Slacknamarnock (Monument)

Parent/preceding Site Events/Activities (1)

  • Watching brief at Slacknamarnock Quarry, Inverness

Record last edited

Nov 27 2014 11:13AM

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