Site Event/Activity record EHG3176 - Geophysical and topographic survey at Bourblaige, Ardnamurchan


Location Bourblaige township and fort, Ardnamurchan
Grid reference Centred NM 54783 62283 (495m by 410m) (Centred)
Map sheet NM56SW
Geographical Area LOCHABER



University of Glasgow


April 2009


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A limited programme of geophysical survey using the techniques of magnetometry and resistivity was undertaken over a period of one week at the end of April 2009. In total nine small grids were surveyed, seven of which were around the depopulated township and two that were placed at the nearby fort. The aim of the work was to explore the potential of geophysical survey techniques for identifying earlier phases at the site. The results demonstrated that both the techniques were working at the site, with visible features such as overgrown walling and rig and furrow showing up quite well. However, although some interesting anomalies were identified, it would be too early to identify these as conclusive evidence of earlier phases. A more exhaustive programme of geophysical survey in the future may further resolve some of these anomalies and provide invaluable information on the development of the township. At the fort, the surviving walls were recorded using a total station and a limited topographic survey was produced of the summit. Both the geophysical survey techniques picked up the overgrown walling of the fort. A strong positive magnetic anomaly was found to be in a central position on the main summit area which could indicate the presence of a hearth. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Bankier, A W. 2009. Bourblaige Geophysical Survey 2009: Data Structure Report. University of Glasgow. Digital (scanned as PDF).

Related Monuments/Buildings (2)

  • Fort, Bourblaige (Monument)
  • Township, Bourblaige (Monument)

Parent/preceding Site Events/Activities (1)

  • Reconnaissance survey, Norse Settlement and Contacts in Northern Argyll

Record last edited

Apr 6 2017 2:35PM

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