Site Event/Activity record EHG3232 - Non-intrusive underwater survey, Rubh' an Dunain, Skye


Location 350m radius around Loch na h'Airde
Grid reference Centred NG 3939 1620 (700m by 700m)
Map sheet NG31NE
Geographical Area SKYE AND LOCHALSH



Morvern Maritime Centre


April and May 2009


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Two weeks of non-intrusive fieldwork funded by Historic Scotland were conducted in and around Loch na h-Àirde on the Rubh’ an Dùnain peninsula of SW Skye between 24 April and 9 May 2009. This followed the discovery in 2000 and 2006 of medieval boat remains there by Dr David MacFadyen, and the earlier recognition by Roger Miket of the site’s probable historical association with watercraft, manifested by the conjunction of a dun, what have been identified as two boat docks (nausts), and a partly artificial channel linking the loch to the sea. The survey included a visual search of the loch bed, EDM plotting of the loch, canal, and adjacent topography, high-level panoramic photography, and plane-table and PhotoModeler surveys. This programme was substantially completed, although time, access difficulties, weather, and other constraints have left some aspects of the work unfinished. The survey was complemented by a preliminary environmental sampling of sediments in Loch na h-Àirde and a small un-named lochan nearby. Aerial reconnaissance was subsequently conducted in collaboration with RCAHMS. Off-site work has included a search of the muniments at Dunvegan and other documentary sources, and the recording and analysis of the previously found boat timbers. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Martin, C.. 09/2009. Rubh' an Dunain, Bracadale, Skye: Data Structure Report. Unaffiliated. Digital.

Related Monuments/Buildings (2)

Record last edited

Nov 27 2014 11:30AM

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