Site Event/Activity record EHG3457 - Excavation, Balmakeith Industrial Estate, Nairn
Location | Proposed new Sainsbury's store, Balmakeith Industrial Estate, Nairn |
Grid reference | Centred NH 8946 5613 (106m by 136m) |
Map sheet | NH85NE |
Geographical Area | NAIRN |
Headland Archaeology Ltd
January and February 2011
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Following an archaeological evaluation by CFA Archaeology Ltd in 2008, three areas were targeted for further investigation by means of Strip, Map and Sample, totally approximately 6250 sq metres. One linear ditch and two probable pits were exposed in Area 1. Four large and five small linear features, along with eight small pit features were uncovered within Area 2. Area 3 contained nine large spreads, eighteen linear or curvilinear features, three large pits and ninety small pits or postholes. Headland Archaeology Ltd was appointed to fully characterise and record the archaeological features. The majority of the features were tentatively assigned to the medieval/post medieval periods and would appear to relate to a field system and general quarrying activity. Three features yielded early prehistoric finds, including 11 sherds from a Bronze Age cooking vessel, and it is possible that some of the undated features relate to activity in the later prehistoric or early historic periods. <1>-<3>
Sources/Archives (3)
- <1> SHG25367 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: McNicol, D. 06/2011. Retail Development at Balmakeith Industrial Estate, Nairn: Archaeological Excavation. Headland Archaeology Ltd. Digital.
- <2> SHG25369 Text/Report: Lochrie, J. 06/2011. '3.1 Finds assessment' in Retail Development at Balmakeith Industrial Estate, Nairn: Archaeological Excavation. Headland Archaeology Ltd. Digital.
- <3> SHG25368 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Haston, S-J. 06/2011. '3.2 Palaeoenvironmental sample assessment' in Retail Development at Balmakeith Industrial Estate, Nairn: Archaeological Excavation. Headland Archaeology Ltd. Digital.
Related Monuments/Buildings (5)
- MHG51360 Cultivation remains south of Forres Road, Nairn (Monument)
- MHG54960 Early prehistoric hearth, south of Forres Road, Nairn (Monument)
- MHG51361 Pits and other features south of Forres Road, Nairn (Monument)
- MHG54303 Possible road or trackway, Balmakeith Industrial Estate, Nairn (Monument)
- MHG54304 Prehistoric pits, Balmakeith Industrial Estate, Nairn (Monument)
Parent/preceding Site Events/Activities (1)
- EHG2807 Trial trenching at proposed new Sainsbury's store, Nairn (Ref: SAIN)
Record last edited
Nov 27 2014 1:49PM