Site Event/Activity record EHG3478 - Trial trenching - Beauly substation (Phase 2)


Location Site of new substation, Wester Balblair, Beauly
Grid reference Centred NH 50485 44754 (217m by 194m)
Map sheet NH54SW
Civil Parish KILMORACK
Geographical Area INVERNESS



Glasgow University (GUARD)


Sept 2010


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In September 2010 an archaeological evaluation was carried out by Glasgow University Archaeological Research Division (GUARD) on an area proposed for development of an access track and tree planting associated with a new electricity sub-station at Balblair, near Beauly, Highland. The proposed development area included several sites which had been previously identified as potentially of prehistoric date (NOSAS, 2002) and these were evaluated as part of a wider general evaluation of 10% of the total accessible area (c. 13,500 m²). No additional archaeological features were identified but the evaluation has demonstrated that, despite an absence of definitive dating evidence, the previously identified features within the development area, comprising three cairns, an enclosure and a bank/dyke, are all consistent with features and structures of prehistoric date. As these would require to be removed to allow the access track to be constructed, and in the absence of viable options for that access track, it is proposed that these features will require to be fully excavated prior to construction work commencing in order to achieve their preservation by record. A bank and a trackway were also examined as part of the evaluation but no clear date for them was established either. Given their size and linear character, and the fact that significant proportions of their lengths lie in an area where significant ground breaking work is not proposed, it is proposed that watching briefs will represent suitable mitigation for them restricted to those locations where ground-breaking works will breach the features. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Becket, A. 2010. Beauly to Denny 400kV Overhead Transmission Line - Beauly Substation, Phase 2 Evaluation. Glasgow University Archaeological Research Division (GUARD). Digital.

Related Monuments/Buildings (5)

  • Bank, Balblair Wood (Monument)
  • Cairn, Balblair Wood (Monument)
  • Cairn, Balblair Wood (Monument)
  • Hut circle or enclosure, Balblair Wood (Monument)
  • Possible ring cairn, Balblair Wood (Monument)

Record last edited

Nov 27 2014 1:51PM

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