Site Event/Activity record EHG352 - Excavation - Loch Borralie


Location Loch Borralie, Sutherland
Grid reference Centred NC 3791 6761 (27m by 27m)
Map sheet NC36NE
Geographical Area SUTHERLAND
Civil Parish DURNESS



Glasgow University (GUARD)


July 2000


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As part of the Historic Scotland Human Remains Call Off Contract, GUARD undertook an archaeological excavation in July 2000 at the location of a find spot of a human skull from a cairn at Loch Borralie, Sutherland. The remains of two inhumations were recovered beneath the cairn. The burials indicated that the cairn was probably multi-phase and may date to the second half of the first millenium AD. A trench, measuring 2.1 x 2m was hand excavated and, where present, turf and topsoil were removed and the stone work beneath revealed before planning. The human matrix of the cairn was then excavated to establish whether human remains were present. <1>

Sources/Archives (2)

  • --- Text/Publication/Monograph: MacGregor, G. 2003. Excavation of an Iron Age burial mound, Loch Borralie, Durness, Sutherland. SAIR vol. 9. 9. Digital.
  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: MacGregor, G. 2000. Loch Borralie, Sutherland: Human Remains Call-off Contract: A post-excavation design. GUARD. Digital (scanned as PDF).

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • Burial Cairn - Loch Borralie (Monument)

Record last edited

Jun 22 2016 11:34AM

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