Site Event/Activity record EHG3599 - Excavation - Cladh Aindreis chambered cairn, Swordle Bay, Ardnamurchan (2010)


Location Cladh Aindreis chambered cairn, Swordle Bay
Grid reference Centred NM 5470 7075 (18m by 18m) (Centred)
Map sheet NM57SW
Geographical Area LOCHABER



Ardnamurchan Transitions Project


Aug-Sep 2010


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Excavations took place at this site in the summer of 2010. This was the fifth season of excavations at this cairn. The excavations in 2010 aimed to clarify the nature of the deposits in Trenches 1 and 4, including finding the front façade of the cairn and exploring a potential Bronze Age kerb cairn. They also aimed to excavate a putative ""closed cist"" to the immediate west of the chamber and investigate the potential for midden deposits below in-situ cairn material. <1> The 2010 season of work was undertaken between the 15th of August and the 4th of September where in total three trenches were excavated on the Cladh Aindreis chambered cairn. Trench 1 revealed a recent 'robber' trench and in situ blocking at the front of the cairn. A fragmented crouched inhumation, probably from the beaker period and a series of discrete concentrations of disarticulated of disarticulated but tightly packed remains, most likely dating to the neolithic were discovered in what appeared to be a damaged front chamber of the cairn. Trench 9 produced evidence from cremation that preceded the monumnet as well as bones from a circular cist. Trench 4 the previously uncovered Bronze Age kerb cairn from the 2009 season of work was fully exposed and planned. <2>

Sources/Archives (2)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Harris, O et al. 2011. Cladh Aindreis Chambered Cairn, Swordle Bay, Ardnamurchan: Season Five, 2010: Archaeological Excavations - Data Structure Report. Ardnamurchan Transitions Project. Digital.
  • <2> Text/Publication/Serial: Millburn, P (ed). 2010. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland - New Series, Volume 11, 2010. Paper (Original).

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • Cladh Aindreis Chambered Cairn - Swordle Bay, Ardnamurchan (Monument)

Record last edited

Jun 4 2014 1:36PM

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