Site Event/Activity record EHG3696 - Excavation - Point Battery, Fort George, Ardersier


Location Fort George
Grid reference Centred NH 75972 56641 (12m by 21m)
Map sheet NH75NE
Civil Parish ARDERSIER
Geographical Area INVERNESS



Kirkdale Archaeology


Nov 93-May 94


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An extended programme of excavation, watching brief and survey was completed on the Point Battery, the western extremity of Fort George, by Kirkdale Archaeology between November 1993 and May 1994. In order to waterproof the three vaulted structures buried within the thickness of the main rampart, the earthwork itself was removed over the buildings. After trial excavations in November 1993 and a watching brief in January 1994, the main programme of work carried on until May 1994 with intermittent archaeological input. This entailed the recording of all elements of those gun platforms, revetting wall, flues, drains, as well as the earthworks themselves (parapet, firing step and main rampart), which had to be removed in advance of the repair work. In addition, a metal detector survey was carried out on the surface of the rampart (the terreplein, parapet and banquette) prior to the commencement of rampart-infill removal. All the finds came from the 100–150 mm of topsoil on the rampart and consist of an assortment of nails, staples, bullets and bullet cases, and buttons, together with a belt buckle and three coins. The coins are all of 20th-century date. <1> See also full published report <2>

Sources/Archives (2)

  • <1> Text/Publication/Article: Ewart, G [J]. 1994. 'Fort George (Ardersier parish): 18th-cntury fort', Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 1994, p.33. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland. 33. p.33.
  • <2> Text/Publication/Article: Ewart, G. & Gallagher, D.. 2010. The fortifications of Fort George, Ardersier, near Inverness: archaeological investigations 1990-2005. Post-Medieval Archaeology Vol.44. 105-134. Digital. pp.112-116.

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 27 2014 2:25PM

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