Site Event/Activity record EHG4099 - Watching Brief - Achabeag, Ardtornish Estate


Location Achabeag, Ardtornish Estate, Morvern, Lochaber, Highland
Grid reference Centred NM 6505 4534 (78m by 57m)
Map sheet NM64NE
Civil Parish MORVERN
Geographical Area LOCHABER



Jennifer G Robertson


Oct 2011


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An archaeological watching brief was undertaken by J G Robertson in 2011 during the excavation of two house sites. The watching brief was required under the terms of a specification issued by the Archaeology Unit of the Highland Council Planning and Development Service. All ground works on Site 2 were observed on the 18th and 28th October 2011. A short fragment of a field wall identified during an earlier field survey in 2006 was seen but no other features or finds were uncovered. A level area seen in 2006, and identified as a possible stance for a house, was also stripped but no evidence for a structure was revealed. On Site 1 the topsoil had been mistakenly stripped without archaeological supervision, although examination of the area revealed no archaeological features. Prior to the groundworks this had been an area of rig and furrow. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Robertson, J.G.. 2011. An Archaeological Watching Brief (Phase 1)at Achabeag, Adntornish Estate, Morvern, Lochaber, Highland. Unaffiliated. Digital (scanned as PDF).

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Record last edited

Aug 15 2017 4:06PM

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