Site Event/Activity record EHG4126 - Trial Trenching - Pitgrudy Farm, Dornoch


Location Pitgrudy Farm, Dornoch
Grid reference Centred NH 7928 9053 (193m by 128m)
Map sheet NH79SE
Geographical Area SUTHERLAND
Civil Parish DORNOCH



Highland Archaeology Services Ltd


March 2013


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A trial trenching was carried out by Highland Archaeology Services in 2013 in advance of the proposed development of a sand and gravel quarry at Pitgrudy Farm, Dornoch. The area was first subject to a metal detecting survey (see EHG4125). Thirty trenches were opened (numbered 1-31 and 29 was not excavated), all measuring between 1.5 and 1.8m across - wider where it was necessary for health and safety reasons to step or slope deeper sides. Three possible features were investigated: a field clearance cairn (F1); a small pit - found to be a boulder socket (F2); and a small spread of charcoal rich, scorched subsoil (F3) which apparently resulted from scrub burning or similar activity. There was no indication of archaeological evidence.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Malone, E. and Wood, J.. 2013. Archaeological Metal Detector and Trial Trenching Surveys: Pitgrudy Farm, Dornoch. Highland Archaeology Services Ltd. Digital.

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Record last edited

Aug 29 2014 4:48PM

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