Site Event/Activity record EHG4190 - Building recording and watching brief - Canna Community Shop


Location Derelict building adjoining The Bothy, Isle of Canna
Grid reference Centred NG 2750 0549 (12m by 13m)
Map sheet NG20NE
Civil Parish SMALL ISLES
Geographical Area LOCHABER



The National Trust for Scotland (NTS)




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The old Binder Shed, located next to the west end of the Bothy, on Canna was cleared of vegetation and materials by volunteers on a National Trust for Scotland Thistle Camp and recorded in 2013 in advance of the re-use of the derelict buuilding as a community shop. A drawn and photographic record were made of the interior elevations and the cobbled floor. A watching brief was conducted during the removal of part of the cobble floor. This was found to be only 100mm thick and sitting directly on bedrock. It was decided that rather than dig down through the bedrock the rest of the cobbled floor would be preserved intact and buried below a new concrete floor. No major archaeological discoveries were made during this watching brief although some sherds of a stoneware vessel from the Barrowfield pottery in Glasgow were found just outside the north-east corner of the building. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Alexander, D. and Stewart, C.. 2013. Canna Community Shop: Building Recording and Watching Brief. The National Trust for Scotland (NTS). Digital.

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Dec 4 2014 4:55PM

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