Site Event/Activity record EHG4258 - Excavation - Building AD, Glenleraig Township


Location Glenleraig Township, Assynt, Sutherland
Grid reference Centred NC 1517 3150 (10m by 14m)
Map sheet NC13SE
Geographical Area SUTHERLAND
Civil Parish ASSYNT



AOC Archaeology Group


Sept-Oct 2011


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One of the later stages of the Life and Death in Assynt's Past project focused on the clearance period village of Glenleraig. Excavations were carried out by AOC Archaeology Group with Historic Assynt in 2011, over 'building AD'. The three principal aims of the excavation were to explore the architecture, function and chronology of the site. The building was first stripped of its overburden, which, consisted of turf, bracken and collapse rubble. The resultant remains and deposits were then fully recorded according to AOC Archaeology Group’s Standard Operating Procedures. Testpits and trenches were also dug through the remains in order to understand the various deposits and features within the building remains and directly outside the building. However, care was taken to minimise damage to the upstanding remains of the building. All excavation was executed by hand with volunteers under the guidance and supervision of qualified and experienced archaeologists from AOC Archaeology Group. Excavations revealed two undated ditches predating the structure which the longhouse was built upon. The building was unusual in that instead of the traditional 50:50 split of byre and living space, this house was of a 75:25 division. Potentially, a lower number of animals were sheltered within the house or this design was implemented to maximise the available area for human habitation. Another unusual feature of the building was that there was only one entrance way into the building which was placed in a corner rather than in a central location. This entrance also would have only allowed access to the living space through the area believed to have been used for animal stalling. The ceramic assemblage suggested a date of 1770 - 1780, all of which was of a good quality suggesting a certain degree of disposable wealth of the inhabitants. Futher research was suggested for further understanding of the Glenleraig township. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Hindmarch, E. 2011. Glenleraig Township. AOC Archaeology Group. Digital.

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • Township, Gleann Leireag (Monument)

Record last edited

Mar 16 2015 10:34AM

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