Site Event/Activity record EHG4280 - Watching brief and excavation - Fortrose and Rosemarkie Waste Water Works


Location Fortrose and Rosemarkie Waste Water Works
Grid reference Centred NH 7311 5711 (131m by 95m)
Map sheet NH75NW
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY



Ross & Cromarty Archaeological Services (RoCAS)


June-July 2012


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A desk-based assessment, archaeological watching brief and subsequent excavation were conducted by Ross and Cromarty Archaeological Services in June and July 2012 on behalf of Scottish Water during groundworks on the site of the Fortrose and Rosemarkie Waste Water Works. The site was located on land to the west of Greenside Farm, Rosemarkie Road, Rosemarkie. Thirty-nine features of archaeological interest, which included Neolithic and Bronze Age domestic pits, a large Bronze Age corn-drying kiln, a small Bronze Age cremation complex and medieval or post-medieval pits were identified during the watching brief. Two of the cremation pits contained an intact inverted urn and a truncated upright urn. The prehistoric pits and Neolithic fire-pit yielded pottery sherds and lithics as well as charred hazelnut shells and grain. <1> Subsequent post-excavation analysis was carried out, providing more detail. <2>

Sources/Archives (2)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Fraser, L.. 2012. Fortrose and Rosemarkie Waste Water Works: Archaeological Watching Brief and Excavation. Ross & Cromarty Archaeological Services. Digital.
  • <2> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Fraser, L.. 2014. Fortrose and Rosemarkie Waste Water Works: Archaeological Excavation: Final Report. Ross & Cromarty Archaeological Services. Digital.

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Record last edited

Nov 23 2015 2:22PM

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