Site Event/Activity record EHG4310 - Watching brief and trial trench - Land 100m North East of Stoer Cemetery, Lochinver


Location Lochinver
Grid reference Centred NC 0416 2837 (45m by 38m)
Map sheet NC02NW
Geographical Area SUTHERLAND
Civil Parish ASSYNT



Archaeology North Ltd


July 2013


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A watching brief was carried out by Archaeology North in 2013 on the site of a proposed development on land northeast of Stoer cemetery, Lochinver. The initial phase of development was restricted to forming a new access splay onto the road to the north of the site, and a trial trench was excvavated across one of the enclosures identified on the the site. A detailed walkover survey was also made of the whole site, including examination of upcast from the many rabbit burrows and from service runs associated with the caravan(s) known to have been on the site in recent years. Only evidence of agricultural activity in the late C19 to C20 was found. In view of the lack of significant archaeological remains it was recommended that no further observations would be necessary on this development. Further development works were postponed. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Higgins, P.. 2013. Land 100m North East of Stoer Cemetery, Stoer, Lochinver: Archaeological Watching Brief. Archaeology North Ltd. Digital.

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Record last edited

Jun 1 2015 10:30AM

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