Site Event/Activity record EHG4350 - DBA and walkover survey - Cambusmore Estate Wind Farm


Location Near Bonar Bridge, Sutherland
Grid reference Centred NH 6661 9892 (6338m by 4854m)
Map sheet NH69NE
Geographical Area SUTHERLAND
Civil Parish CREICH
Civil Parish DORNOCH



CFA Archaeology Ltd


Nov 02-Apr 03



DBAs and walkover surveys were carried out by CFA Archaeology Ltd in November 2002 and April 2003 in advance of a proposed wind farm development at Cambusmore Estate, near Bonar Bridge, Sutherland. The result of this work suggested that the archaeological potential of the area was vairable. On the south-facing slopes above Loch Buidhe and the Abhainn an t-Stratha Charnaig, and along the Allt Garbh-alrigh the potential is high, elsewhere the potential is unknown but probably low. Thirt-eight sites were found within the proposed devlopment area. Fifteen of the sites are considered to be of Regional Importance. Twenty-two other sites are of Local importance and one site is considered to be of lesser importance. Three sites lies within 100m of the site boundaries. There are no designated sites within the area but two SAMs lie 1km to the ESE. Fifeten sites are later prehistoric hut circles of Bronze or Irone Age date; the remaining sites are medieval or later rural settlement in date. Nice small quarries were identified along the access track and are all clearly associated with its construction. <1> The report was used to inform an environmental statement submitted to support a planning application for the wind farm. <2>

Sources/Archives (2)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Mudie G. 2003. Proposed Wind Farm at Cambusmore Estate, Sutherland, Highland: Baseline Report. CFA Archaeology Ltd. . Digital (scanned as PDF).
  • <2> Text/Report/Environmental Statement: Mudie, G.. 2003. Cambusmore Estate Wind Farm: Environmental Statement: Chapter 6 Archaeological Assessment. CFA Archaeology. . Digital (scanned as PDF).

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Record last edited

Aug 27 2015 2:20PM

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