Site Event/Activity record EHG4451 - Watching brief - Auchmore Farm, Muir of Ord Hydro Scheme


Location Land 400m S of Auchmore Farm, Muir of Ord
Grid reference Centred NH 4889 4977 (44m by 35m)
Map sheet NH44NE
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY
Civil Parish URRAY



Ross & Cromarty Archaeological Services (RoCAS)


July 2014


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A watching brief was carried out by Ross and Cromarty Archaeological Services in 2014 on behalf of ALF Burn Hydro Ltd in advance of the installation of a 100kW hydro scheme at Auchmore Farm, near Muir of Ord, Ross-shire. The work was undertaken following an initial walkover survey (see EHG4209) during excavation of the pipe route through Site 5 and a nearby stone dyke (Site 18) to record their characteristics and to observe whether any buried archaeology was present. Both were constructed directly onto the ground surface, although using different construction techniques. Due to the much degraded nature of the stone and turf dyke, it is suggested that it was of an earlier period. However, no dateable material was recovered to support this interpretation. No other archaeological features or finds were observed. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Fraser, L.. 2014. Auchmore Farm, Muir of Ord, Installation of Hydro Scheme: Archaeological Desk-based Assessment, Walkover Survey and Watching Brief. Ross & Cromarty Archaeological Services (RoCAS). Digital.

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Record last edited

Nov 24 2014 3:56PM

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