Site Event/Activity record EHG4774 - Watching brief and excavation - Beauly-Denny OHL Tower BF7, Fanellan, Beauly


Location Fanellan, Beauly
Grid reference Centred NH 4863 4313 (55m by 60m)
Map sheet NH44SE
Civil Parish KILMORACK
Geographical Area INVERNESS



Northlight Heritage


July-Sept 2011


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The remains of a circular structure comprising an outer ditch, an inner ring of postholes, and associated features including a central hearth and two pits containing a large amount of burnt bone, were identified during an archaeological watching brief by Northlight Heritage supervising topsoil stripping at Fanellan, near Beauly in 2011. The site was located within the extents of a tower compound (BF8) as part of the Beauly to Denny 400kV overhead line development programme. All archaeological features uncovered were fully excavated and recorded during consecutive watching brief and excavation phases within the development area. Finds of pottery, lithics and environmental samples were recovered from the site. It was intended that a programme of post-excavation work would be undertaken. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Masson-Maclean, E.. 2014. Beauly to Denny 400kV Overhead Transmission Line, Tower BF 7: Fanellan, Beauly, Highland: Data Structure Report. Northlight Heritage. Digital.

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Record last edited

May 4 2016 3:12PM

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