Site Event/Activity record EHG497 - Evaluation and excavation, Holm Mains Farm, Inverness


Location Holm Mains Farm, Inverness
Grid reference Centred NH 65440 41979 (67m by 45m) (Centred)
Map sheet NH64SE
Geographical Area INVERNESS



Headland Archaeology Ltd




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Further evaluation and excavation took place on the site of a possible prehistoric or medieval enclosure in the north-western part of the proposed development site. The previously excavated area was extended to the north and west by around 440 sq m. Two further linear trenches were also opened to test for the presence of outlying features, both 1.4m side and measuring 20m and 23m respectively. The two large stone-filled pits were excavated by machine under archaeological supervision. The excavations determined that the two ditches were not part of an enclosure but were in fact two different phases of field boundaries. The two large pits are also thought to result from agricultural land use, probably dating from the late 18th or early 19th centuries. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Headland Archaeology Ltd. 05/2001. Results of Archaeological Excavations at Home Mains Farm, Inverness. Headland Archaeology Ltd. 11/06/2001. Digital (scanned as PDF).

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • Field boundaries, Holm Mains Farm, Inverness (Monument)

Parent/preceding Site Events/Activities (1)

  • Archaeological evaluation at Holm Mains Farm, Inverness (Phase 2)

Record last edited

Apr 9 2015 3:34PM

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