Site Event/Activity record EHG749 - Geophysical survey, Newhall Point, Balblair


Location Newhall Point, Balblair
Grid reference Centred NH 70930 66940 (167m by 248m) (Centred)
Map sheet NH76NW
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY



Arkensol Soil Services


September 1997


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A geophysical survey was undertaken in connection with the proposed erection of five houses in an area immediately south of an early medieval burial ground. The whole development area was surveyed by resistance meter. In addition a 0.3ha area at the northern, archaeologically sensitive, end of the field was surveyed with a magnetometer although the data proved to be of poor quality. The results of the survyes clearly show a concentration of features at the northern end of the field, including some possible graves, building remains, pits and a possible continuation of the burial ground enclosure. <1>-<3>

Sources/Archives (3)

  • <1> Text/Project Design: Headland Archaeology Ltd. 07/1997. Written Scheme of Investigation for an archaeological evaluation at Newhall Point, Balblair, Easter Ross. Headland Archaeology Ltd. 21/05/2002. .
  • <2> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Arkensol Soil Services. 1997. Geophysical Report, Balblair, Ross-shire. Arkensol Soil Services. 21/05/2002. Digital (scanned as PDF).
  • <3> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Headland Archaeology Ltd. 09/2007. Recommendations and overview of the geophysical survey at Newhall Point, Balblair, Easter Ross. Headland Archaeology Ltd. . Digital (scanned as PDF).

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • Site of Chapel Well, Balblair (Monument)

Child/subsequent Site Events/Activities (1)

  • Watching brief at Newhall Point, by Balblair

Record last edited

Oct 20 2014 11:04AM

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