Monument record MHG10128 - Possible Souterrain, Caen Burn Bridge


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Grid reference Centred ND 0142 1827 (267m by 252m) (Buffered by site type)
Map sheet ND01NW
Geographical Area SUTHERLAND
Civil Parish KILDONAN


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Type and Period (3)

Full Description

ND01NW 10 014 183.

(Centred ND 014 182) Enclosures (NR) (Four shown A-D).
(E: ND 0140 1838) Hut Circle (NR) OS 6" map, (1964)

Some 600 yds N of Caen Burn bridge, are 3 circular enclosures (A, B and E) and remains of one or two others on hillside above, together with old walls.
RCAHMS 1911, visited 1909.

A total of 4 enclosures (A-D) and hut circle (E) were located during field perambulation. A further ruined enclosure at ND 0132 1816 was considered to be a sheepfold contemporary with nearby crofting structures.
Visited by OS (W D J) 26 May 1960.

The settlement lies on SW slopes of Caen Hill and comprises 5 hut circles. 'A' and 'C' are similar being set into hill and of a large size, with a massive wall expanding greatly on downslope side.
'A' measures 10m N-S by 8.5m internally, with entrance in S. The huts floor level is 2m below top of wall in E arc. Extending from E side of entrance is a projecting hornwork. From it low turf covered wall extends westward across face of entrance.
'C' measures 13.5m SE-NW x 10.5m within a wall which attains its greatest dimensions on S side of SE-facing entrance, where it is spread to 5.5m and is 1m high. This expansion may have been caused by addition of clearance; width of entrance of 3.5m indicates some mutilation.
In NW segment of wall is a scooped area 6m x 1.7m which may possibly be remains of a collapsed souterrain, though no facing stones are visible and wall irregularity could be result of mutilation.
Huts 'B' and 'D' are similar in construction being less strongly built than previous huts. Both have been set into slope.
'B' measures 10.5m N-S x 8.5m within wall of 2.5m average spread. Entrance in S has flanking wall on W side.
'D' is 9.5m in diameter within a spread wall of 2.5m widening to 3.5m on the revetted W side. Entrance is in SE where wall has been partially destroyed.
'E' set deeply into slope gives impression of being a stone walled hut of 7.2m internal diameter set eccentrically within a larger hut 10.5m x 9m internally. The wall increases in breadth from 1.5m in the N to 4.0m in joint W arc. The common entrance, choked with stones, is in S. Top of outer scarp in E is 1.5m above floor level.
Two segments of walling ('X' and 'Y') are suggestive of mutilated hut circles, but their condition is too fragmentary for positive classification. An extremely well preserved field system of about 5 hectares surrounds huts. It comprises plots, average size 30m by 25m, defined by lynchets, clearance heaps and ruinous field walls.
Resurveyed at 1:10,560. Visited by OS (J B) 14 June 1976.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • --- Text/Report: RCAHMS. 1911. The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments and Constructions of Scotland. Second report and inventory of monuments and constructions in the county of Sutherland. . 111, Nos. 319, 320; fig. 38.

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Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

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Record last edited

May 31 2016 1:25PM

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