Monument record MHG10489 - Dalhalvaig
No summary available.
Grid reference | Centred NC 8959 5430 (118m by 114m) (Buffered by site type) |
Map sheet | NC85SE |
Geographical Area | SUTHERLAND |
Old County | SUTHERLAND |
Civil Parish | FARR |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
NC85SE 35.01 896 543 (Site no. was 35)
A grass covered farmstead consisting of a house and enclosure.
R J Mercer 1980.
Formerly site NC85SE 35
Field survey identified the remains of four buildings, three of which are rectangular long houses, one enclosure and the possible remains of three cairns. The first building centred on NC 89542 54338 measures 15m long and 3m wide. The building is aligned NNW-SSE, split into three compartments and has a rectangular enclosure or kale yard abutting its E side. The walls of the building are 0.5m high and c.1m wide. The enclosure measures 9m long and 6m wide. Four metres to the WSW of the first long house is the remains of a small bothy or shieling. The structure is rectangular in plan, measures 3m by 2.5m and aligned NE-SW. The structure is formed by three dry stone walls built up against a small bedrock knoll. The bedrock knoll forms the NW side of the structure. The
walls are 1m wide and 0.5m high. Fifteen metres to the S of the bothy is a second rectangular long building centred on NC 89536 54315 and aligned NW-SE. The building measures 10m long and 4.5m wide. The building is poorly preserved and only visible as a
rectangular hollow surrounded by slightly raised turf/stone banks, which measure 0.2m high. A third rectangular long building is present at NC89587 954315 measuring 12m long, 5m wide and aligned ESE-WNW. This structure is poorly preserved and the walls are visible only as a slight row of protruding stone 0.3m high. To the N of the structures and c.8m from building 1 are the remains of what may be two small clearance cairns at NC 89533 954352 and NC 89536 54353. The first measures 1m by 0.6m and 0.2m high, The second measures 1.5m in diameter and 0.4m high. A third possible clearance cairn, at NC 89561 54362, is visible 22m NE of the enclosure and consists of a 1.5m scatter of stone with a wooden post sticking out the top. <1>
Sources/Archives (1)
- <1> SHG24982 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: CFA Archaeology Ltd. 2008-2010. Beauly-Dounreay 275kV Overhead Transmission Line: Second Circuit Environmental Statement. Chapter 10: Cultural Heritage. CFA Archaeology Ltd. Digital. Site 51.1.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
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Related Events/Activities (1)
Record last edited
Aug 19 2011 12:56PM
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