Monument record MHG11597 - Smoo Cave
Grid reference | Centred NC 41880 67107 (84m by 76m) (Buffered by site type) |
Map sheet | NC46NW |
Geographical Area | SUTHERLAND |
Civil Parish | DURNESS |
Type and Period (3)
Full Description
NC45NW 6 4188 6714.
Bone and stone objects resembling Obanian culture artifacts were picked up in a water eroded shell midden inside Smoo Cave. They have been retained by finder. <1>
The shell midden is just within entrance to Smoo Cave on E side of a stream which has eroded it, and is much flattened by foot passage. It measures approx 3m diameter by 0.2 m high. Visited by OS (J M) 11 April 1980.
No proper excavations have been done at Smoo Cave although a mound, thought to be a kitchen midden, was dug over in 1904. There seems to be no extant record of this, but Donald Macdonald of Sangomore, a schoolboy at the time, recalls that a number of bone pins were found. More recently Ian Keillar of Elgin came across two pieces of bone and a worked stone which had been exposed by action of burn on sandy cave floor. These were thought to be reminiscent of the mesolithic period, but Mr Keillar gave them to an itinerant 'expert' who subsequently disappeared. <2>
In 1992 GUARD were contracted to cut back, sample and record the eroding face of a shell midden situated immediately within the entrance of Smoo Cave. This controlled removal of material was necessary in order to accommodate the construction of a retaining wall which would protect against further erosion caused by the Allt Smoo as it runs through the cave to the sea. Several occupation horizons were identified. The shell midden, the earliest phases of which appear to be Iron Age, represented the latest phase of activity. This deposit post-dates and may be related to, structural elements revealed within the section, which included hearths and a post hole with possible stone walling related to it. The earliest deposits, which are substantially lower than the present cave floor, may represent Mesolithic activity. This evidence took the form of butchered bones and rough flakes of quartz situated on marine sands. Samples taken from throughout the section await detailed analysis and submission for radiocarbon assay. A quern stone was later recovered from this section, which is undergoing constant erosion by the sea. The investigation also brought to light a further shell midden deposit located in a former cave some 50m to the NW of Smoo Cave. <3> DES Entry for 1992 investigation <4>
Full environmental analysis from the 1992 investigation has been provided in the published account. A hearth or firepit, extremely rich in charcoal lay towards the southern end of the excavated section. Birch and hazel charcoal from this feature provided a radiocarbon date which fell within the range cal AD 780-1020. In order to establish the full depth of deposits, two small, sondages were dug along the base of the section. Excavation stopped where a surface was encountered that provided evidence for an earlier phase of human activity on the site; time did not permit excavation below this level. Six main archaeological horizons were identified although it was stated that this was certainly a simplified breakdown of the stratigraphy, the real picture is likely to be a great deal more complicated, with various layers separated by thin lenses of both clean and stained sands, the discolouration of the latter probably the result of human activity. <5>
Investigations were also carried out by GUARD in Spring 1995 at the two caves identified in 1992 to the northwest of Smoo Cave (see MHG29332 & MHG29334) and a third cave close-by to the northeast (see MHG29333).
The Cave was designated as a Scheduled Monument by Historic Scotland in Dec 1992.
The cave was visited during a rapid coastal zone assessment of a stretch of the north Sutherland coastline by GUARD in 1997. The assessment had been commissioned by Historic Scotland. The survey noted that the measures put in place to protect the midden deposits partially excavated in 1992 were now failing and the deposits themselves were being eroded by water dripping from the roof of the cave exacerbated by the foot trample of visitors. See report for full detail. <6>
In 2012 investigation of a further chamber in the southeast corner of the main chamber was initiated by I McHardy at the request of C. Coventry. The chamber, although known about for some time, was little investigated and lay behind a flowstone tallus which fills the base of a large vertical faultline in the limestone. It was first confirmed that the chamber lay outwith the Scheduled area. Initial investigation in April 2012 confirmed that there was no trace of anthropomorphic activity in the area and that all the visible material which lies in the area has been deposited through natural processes. A second inspection carried out in Nov 2012 after C. Coventry had excavated roughly half-way up inside the tallus, also found that the material which underlies the tallus was also deposited through natural processes and no evidence of human activity was found. The material under the tallus consists of an orangey-brown silty, sandy, gravelly clay containing fist sized chert clasts. <7> <8>
Sources/Archives (45)
- --- SHG7506 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1993. Smoo Cave '93, displaced gabions. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- --- SHG7507 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1993. Smoo Cave '93, boat in cave interior. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- --- SHG9859 Image/Photograph(s): Smoo Cave '93, Damage to midden. Colour Slide; Digital Image. .
- --- SHG9860 Image/Photograph(s): Smoo Cave '93, Erosion midden 2. Colour Slide; Digital Image. .
- --- SHG9861 Image/Photograph(s): Smoo Cave, new E. access Path. Colour Slide; Digital Image. .
- --- SHG9862 Image/Photograph(s): Smoo Cave '93, E access before path construction. Colour Slide; Digital Image. .
- --- SHG9863 Image/Photograph(s): Smoo Cave, '93, damage to midden wall. Colour Slide; Digital Image. .
- --- SHG9865 Image/Photograph(s): Smoo Cave '93, Erosion at Base of Steps. Colour Slide; Digital Image. .
- --- SHG9866 Image/Photograph(s): Smoo Cave '93, Erosion below store. Colour Slide; Digital Image. .
- --- SHG9867 Image/Photograph(s): Smoo Cave '93, Seaweed build- up. Colour Slide; Digital Image. .
- <1> SHG686 Text/Publication/Article: Keillar, I. 1972. 'Durness', Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 1972, p.41. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland. 41. 41.
- <2> SHG914 Text/Publication/Article: Johnston, J A. 1981. 'In the great cave of Smoo', Scot Mag Aug 1981, p.467-8. Scot Mag. 467-8. 467-8.
- <3> SHG12180 Image/Photograph(s): Pollard, T.. 1992. Smoo Cave. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12181 Image/Photograph(s): Pollard, T.. 1992. Smoo Cave. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12182 Image/Photograph(s): Pollard, T.. 1992. Smoo-Polue. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12183 Image/Photograph(s): Pollard, T.. 1992. Smoo-Polue. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12184 Image/Photograph(s): Pollard, T.. 1992. Smoo-Polue. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12185 Image/Photograph(s): Pollard, T.. 1992. Smoo-Polue. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12186 Image/Photograph(s): Pollard, T.. 1992. Smoo-Polue. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12187 Image/Photograph(s): Pollard, T.. 1992. Smoo-Polue. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12188 Image/Photograph(s): Pollard, T.. 1992. Smoo-Polue. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12189 Image/Photograph(s): Pollard, T.. 1992. Smoo-Polue. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12190 Image/Photograph(s): Pollard, T.. 1992. Smoo-Polue. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12191 Image/Photograph(s): Pollard, T.. 1992. Smoo-Polue. Colour Slide. .
- <3> SHG12192 Image/Photograph(s): Pollard, T.. 1992. Smoo-Polue. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12193 Image/Photograph(s): Pollard, T.. 1992. Smoo-Polue. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12194 Image/Photograph(s): Pollard, T.. 1992. Smoo-Polue. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12195 Image/Photograph(s): Pollard, T.. 1992. Smoo-Polue. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12196 Image/Photograph(s): Pollard, T.. 1992. Smoo-Polue. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12197 Image/Photograph(s): Pollard, T.. 1992. Smoo-Polue. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12198 Image/Photograph(s): Pollard, T.. 1992. Smoo-Polue. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12199 Image/Photograph(s): Pollard, T.. 1992. Smoo-Polue. Colour Slide. .
- <3> SHG12200 Image/Photograph(s): Pollard, T.. 1992. Smoo-Polue. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12201 Image/Photograph(s): Pollard, T.. 1992. Smoo-Polue. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12202 Image/Photograph(s): Pollard, T.. 1992. Smoo-Polue. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12203 Image/Photograph(s): Pollard, T.. 1992. Smoo-Polue. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12204 Image/Photograph(s): Pollard, T.. 1992. Smoo-Polue. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12205 Image/Photograph(s): Pollard, T.. 1992. Smoo-Polue. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG12503 Image/Photograph(s): Pollard, T.. 1992. Smoo. Colour Slide. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG2625 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Pollard, T.. 1992. Archaeological excavation of Smoo Cave, Sutherland for Caithness and Sutherland Enterprise. Glasgow University (GUARD). 30/01/1992. Paper and Digital.
- <4> SHG1516 Text/Publication/Article: Pollard, A. 1992. 'Smoo Cave (Durness parish): shell midden', Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 1992, p.48-9. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland. 48-9. 48-9.
- <5> SHG25726 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Pollard, T. et al. 2005. The excavation of four caves in the Geodha Smoo near Durness, Sutherland (SAIR 18). Glasgow University (GUARD). Digital.
- <6> SHG21099 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Brady, K. & Morris, C.D.. 1997. North Sutherland Survey: Coastal Zone Assessment Kyle of Durness to Torrisdale Bay. Glasgow University (GUARD). 30/01/1998. . Vol.2 Map 3 No.26 & p.77.
- <7> SHG20980 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: McHardy, I. 2012. Smoo and Borallie Caves, Durness: A short report on some current issues. Unaffiliated. . Digital.
- <8> SHG21586 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: McHardy, I.. 2012. Smoo and Borallie Caves, Durness: Report 1.1 - an update to "A short report on current issues". Unaffiliated. . Digital.
Finds (2)
Protected Status/Designation
Related Monuments/Buildings (3)
Related Events/Activities (4)
- Event - Survey: Coastal zone survey - Kyle of Durness to Torrisdale Bay, Sutherland (EHG130)
- Management: Historic Scotland Site Visit (Ref:5482 / 2) (EHG2537)
- Event - Intervention: Section recording - Smoo Cave, Durness (EHG105)
- Event - Intervention: Watching brief - Smoo Cave, Durness, Sutherland (EHG609)
Record last edited
Mar 8 2013 2:56PM
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