Monument record MHG11665 - Golspie Gasworks


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Grid reference Centred NH 8287 9962 (58m by 56m)
Map sheet NH89NW
Geographical Area SUTHERLAND
Civil Parish GOLSPIE


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Type and Period (1)

Full Description

NH89NW 17 8287 9961
Built about 1840 for the Duke of Sutherland, to supply gas to Dunrobin Castle, Estate houses in the village and street lighting. In the 1920s the works were taken over by the Thurso and North of Scotland Gas Company Ltd, and they were followed by the United Gas Company in 1949. The original retort house is still in use, and gas is made from coal in horizontal retorts. An account issued to a customer in 1862 charged 18/- per 1000 cu. Ft. <1>

(Location cited as NH 828 995). Golspie Gas Works, built c. 1840 for the Duke of Sutherland and extended c. 1935 by the Thurso and North of Scotland Gas Corporation Ltd. The original retort-house, made of local sandstone, is still in use, with its circular brick chimney. The later retort-house is taller, of red brick, with a square brick chimney. Apart from what is probably part of the pre-1935 retort setting in the older house, most of the equipment, including the holder and belt-driven exhausters, is post-1935.
J R Hume 1977. <2>

Demolished in the 1980s. <3>

Sources/Archives (3)

  • <1> Text/Publication/Volume: Sinclair B Calder. 1974. The Industrial Archaeology of Sutherland (A Scottish Highland Economy 1700-1900).
  • <2> Text/Publication/Volume: Hume, J R. 1977. The industrial archaeology of Scotland 2: The Highlands and Islands. Paper (Original). 318; pl. 120.
  • <3> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Sneddon, D, Gheorghiou, D, Hansom, J and Sherarer, I. 03/2010. East Sutherland Coastal Zone Assessment survey: Data Structure Report. Glasgow University Archaeological Research Division (GUARD). 12/9/10. Digital. Site 163.

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Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

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Record last edited

Sep 17 2010 3:00PM

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