Monument record MHG12219 - Clashmore Township
Grid reference | Centred NC 03357 31286 (1490m by 1113m) (Estimated from sources) |
Map sheet | NC03SW |
Geographical Area | SUTHERLAND |
Civil Parish | ASSYNT |
Old County | SUTHERLAND |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
NC03SW 3 0360 3110.
Over 20 roofed buildings shown as eastern part of village of Clashmore in 1878 (OS 6"map, {1878}). By 1907 (OS 6" map, {1907}) the majority had completely disappeared and only c6 roofless buildings are shown.
OS 6"maps, Sutherland, 1st ed., (1878) and 2nd ed., (1907)
The area to NE of road at Clashmore is now cultivated in large fields but boundaries of smaller fields are still visible as well as the remains of c4 small holdings.
Each small-holding seems to have consisted of a cottage and several outbuildings some attached to the cottages. Three holdings are in a group centre at NC035312 and are now little more than grassed over foundations. There are the tumbled amorphous remains of another group of buildings at NC038309. A roofless building at NC035310 was the cow stall for the roofed but deserted cottage near it.
Visited by OS (G H P) 14 May 1962.
This deserted township is as described in the previous field report. The largest longhouse footing in NW group is 27m by 4m. Lazy bed cultivation is evident at NC033313. SE group comprises at least six building footings from 17m by 4m to 8m by 4m, all of which are subdivided. Lazy beds occur in the vicinity and large piles of stone clearance have been dumped at the N end of the group.
Visited by OS (J B) 11 August 1980.
Township comprising 66 roofed and 6 unroofed buildings depicted on 1st edition of the OS 6-inch map (Sutherland 1878, sheet lviii). Thirty-three roofed and thirty-two unroofed buildings are shown on the current edition of the OS 1:10,000 map (1971).
Information from RCAHMS (SAH) 4 September 1995
The township lies on an arc of southwest, south and southeast facing sloping ground above Loch na Claise and between 20m and 70m above sea level. A model farm created by the Sutherland Estate in the 1870s destroyed the bulk of the early township, dividing the land into large rectangular fields, and the population was moved onto new crofts to the south west. The footings of several buildings survive within the area of the original township, and to the south east across an unnamed burn. Historic map evidence suggests that these latter buildings were mainly built in the first half of the 19th century as the earlier settlement expanded, but were then taken out of use after the construction of the model farm. <1>
Sources/Archives (1)
- <1> SHG24157 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Sleight, G. 2009. Clashmore, Assynt: report, plans and photographs. Historic Assynt. 18/02/2009. Digital.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (5)
- Parent of: Clearance Cairns, Clashmore Township (Monument) (MHG43422)
- Parent of: Lazy Beds, Clashmore Township (Monument) (MHG43423)
- Parent of: Site of farmstead (A), Clashmore township (Monument) (MHG52548)
- Parent of: Site of house and possible mason's yard (C), Clashmore township (Monument) (MHG52550)
- Parent of: Site of probable mill and associated buildings (B), Clashmore township (Monument) (MHG52549)
Related Events/Activities (1)
Record last edited
Apr 16 2009 1:18PM
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