Monument record MHG13023 - Chambered Cairn, Carrachan Dubh


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Grid reference Centred NC 2610 2176 (80m by 80m) (Buffered by site type)
Map sheet NC22SE
Geographical Area SUTHERLAND
Civil Parish ASSYNT


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Full Description

NC22SE 1 2610 2176.

Cairn, Traligill Burn, Inchnadamph: On right bank of Traligill Burn, about a mile E by N from Inchnadamph Hotel, on summit of a slightly rocky ridge, is a cairn. It is considerably dilapidated and its original outline can only be conjectured, but it appears to have been circular, with a diameter of c50'. It is still 6' to 7' in height. Several large flat stones are exposed lying unevenly about the top, but there is no sign of a chamber or cist having been opened.
RCAHMS 1911. <1>

The cairn, as described above, is at NC 2610 2176. It is a large heap of stones c20m in diameter and 2.3m high.
Visited by OS (E G C) 24 April 1961.

(NC 2610 2176) Cairn (NR) OS 6"map, (1963)

On the edge of cairn in SSE are two blocks 0.8m apart, just protruding through debris; 3.5m from them outwards centre of the cairn is a massive upright boulder 1.4m long x 1.5m thick. It is probable that these stones represent part of a passage leading to an otherwise concealed chamber.
Visited by OS (J M) 15 August 1963.

A chambered cairn as described.
Revised at 1:10,000. Visited by OS (N K B) 2 September 1980.

Visited by the Assynt's Hidden Lives project in December 2009. On flat land just above the river is an uneven circular stone mound, partially covered in grass, 20m in diameter and 2.5m high. The cairn is composed of uneven stone rubble, with no structural elements visible. There is evidence of robbing on the top and N side. Larger stones protruding from the top are possible lintels or capstones and are up to 1.2m long. A earth and stone bank curving around the cairn and heading north-west starts at the river and is 100m long, 0.5m high and 0.7m thick. <2>

Surveyed in detail by the Assynt's Hidden Lives project.
The site was subject to contour and topographic survey. <3>

Sources/Archives (3)

  • <1> Text/Report: RCAHMS. 1911. The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments and Constructions of Scotland. Second report and inventory of monuments and constructions in the county of Sutherland. . 4, No. 9.
  • <2> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Cavers, G & Hudson, G. 05/2010. Assynt's Hidden Lives: An archaeological survey of the the parish. AOC Archaeology Group and Historic Assynt. 01/08/2010. Digital. 139, p.133.
  • <3> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Cavers, G & Hudson, G. 05/2010. Assynt's Hidden Lives: An archaeological survey of the the parish. AOC Archaeology Group and Historic Assynt. 01/08/2010. Digital. Survey Area 2: Site 139; p.41; fig.34.

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Record last edited

Sep 7 2010 2:00PM

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