Monument record MHG13047 - Loch Borrolan
No summary available.
Grid reference | Centred NC 2653 1104 (14m by 14m) (Buffered by site type) |
Map sheet | NC21SE |
Geographical Area | SUTHERLAND |
Civil Parish | ASSYNT |
Old County | SUTHERLAND |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
NC21SE 3 2653 1104.
(NC 265 111) Cairn, Loch Borralan: Abot 400 yds NNW oHLP no 1, p. 66f Aultnacealgach Hotel on side of hill, and about 100' above Loch Borralan, is a circular cairn c. 50' in diameter and from 5' - 6' high. There is an irregular depression on top, and some large stones have been displaced, but no chamber or cist has been revealed. The cairn has been broken into for a short distance on E side. RCAHMS 1911. <1>
A well-preserved cairn measuring 15m E-W x 17m N-S x 1.5m high. The existence of a chamber and passage is suggested by depressions probably caused by collapse of roofing stones, and there are several significantly large stones on top of cairn.
Visited by OS (G H P) 2 June 1962.
(NC 2655 1104) Cairn (NR) OS 6"map, (1966)
Generally as described by RCAHMS. Despite disturbances on top and in E, there is no sign of a chamber, though size of mound and its proximity to other chambered cairns suggest that it too may be chambered. Visited by OS (J M) 9 July 1974.
No change.
Revised at 1:10,000. Visited by OS (N K B) 2 September 1980.
Surveyed by the Assynt's Hidden Lives project in November 2009. Recorded as well preserved in places. This cairn is situated next to a stream in a hollow leading down to Loch Borralan, on a steepish, undulating slope. The site comprises a stone mound measuring 17m by 15m aligned N/S with a height of between 1.5 and 2m. Much of the top and outside of
the cairn is moss and heather covered, similar to the surrounding terrain. The cairn consists of a stone pile within which a central chamber made up of sub-angular stones (ave. 30-40cm long) is visible. The stones are be mostly gathered although some larger (over 1m long) stones appear to be quarried/shaped. The probable entrance on the south side comprises two wall faces, four courses high, creating a passage 1.5m wide which leads to a rubble filled chamber measuring 3m by 1.8m internally. The wall faces of the passage may not be original, and seem indicative of the secondary reuse of the site. <2>
Sources/Archives (3)
- --- SHG4485 Image/Photograph(s): B/W Negative. .
- <1> SHG2657 Text/Report: RCAHMS. 1911. The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments and Constructions of Scotland. Second report and inventory of monuments and constructions in the county of Sutherland. . 5, No. 15.
- <2> SHG24882 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Cavers, G & Hudson, G. 05/2010. Assynt's Hidden Lives: An archaeological survey of the the parish. AOC Archaeology Group and Historic Assynt. 01/08/2010. Digital. 2, p.67.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
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Record last edited
Sep 6 2010 8:25AM
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