Monument record MHG13358 - Farmsteading - Ristocky


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Grid reference Centred NC 8520 1260 (100m by 100m) (Buffered by site type)
Map sheet NC81SE
Geographical Area SUTHERLAND
Civil Parish CLYNE


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Type and Period (3)

Full Description

Building Remains, NC 85257 12637.
W corner of the northernmost of the two rectangular structures, which formerly comprised the small township buildings at Ristocky. Its N gable end is 6m below and to the SE of the existing access track. Its footings of turf, with occasional visible boulders, survive to 0.4m high and 0.8m wide, and measure 21m x 3m, with an entrance 10m down from the W corner on the SW side.

The sidewalls trend 157 degrees down the bracken and heather-covered slope to the more substantial remains of the lower gable end. The upper, NW gable end is 1.5m thick and the upper 6m of the building has been constructed on a 12 degrees SE-dipping slope. The slope for the central 9m of the building is only 3 degrees and it is 20 degrees for the lower 6m. A 0.7m wide entrance opens to the WSW, on the most gently sloping part of the SW sidewall remains, 9m downhill from the W corner.

Enclosure/Kailyard, NC 85257 12637.
Attached to the NE sidewall of Feature 217 (above) is just the hint of a small enclosure/kale-yard, beginning at a point 5m down from the N corner, extending out at right-angles from the sidewall for 9m, then returning, initially at right-angles, then curving back to join the same NE sidewall at a point 7m up from the E corner.

The boundary is defined by a low, linear peat mound, approximately 1m wide and 0.2m high, with no stone visible in its construction.

Building Remains, NC 85258 12612.
3m to the S of the lower, S end of the footing remains of Feature 218 (above), the second, former building on this site trends 1950, more obliquely across the deep heather-covered slope, and measures 11m x 3m, but is largely overgrown by dense bracken and heather. Its gable end walls are 1m thick and 0.3m high, and the sidewalls are slightly narrower at 0.9m, but survive to a similar height. Large, individual boulders form the lower, S gable wall and some smaller boulders are visible in the moss-covered sidewalls.

Enclosure/Kailyard, NC 85258 12612.
A rounded enclosure, with 1m thick and 0.5m high, stone rubble-filled walls, measuring 12m (W-E) x 8m (N-S) at its maximum axes, is attached to the lower, S end of the building remains of Feature 219 (above), joined to its SE corner and returning to the W sidewall, 2m up from the SW corner. It extends for 6m beyond the S gable end and is set on freshly burned, heather and bracken-free ground. It is of a completely different construction and maybe, therefore, age, to the kale-yard/enclosure of Feature 218 (above). <1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Lindsay N. 2003. Report on Walk-Over Archaeological Survey: Proposed Windfarm Access Route, Gordonbush, Sutherland. Unaffiliated. 03/03/2003. Paper (Copy). pp. 58-9, Features 217-220.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

May 27 2014 10:53AM

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