Monument record MHG14145 - Cup marked stones - Druim Mor, Swordale


A collection of cupmarked stones within the Scheduled Monument Area at Druim Mor, near Evanton.


Grid reference Centred NH 5778 6616 (169m by 150m) (Buffered by site type)
Map sheet NH56NE
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY
Civil Parish KILTEARN


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

"In Swordale stack-yard there is a flat stone, four feet long by three broad, one side of which is covered with cup marks and other artificial hollows. It lay in a heap, with the sculptured side underneath; but Mr Joass, Dingwall, who was aware of its existence, had it turned over and its markings exposed. Mr Joass said that attention was first drawn to markings of this kind by the late Earl of Eglinton about fifty years ago… in May 1864… In September following he [Mr Joass] walked across from Dingwall to Swordale by way of Mountgerald, and on a little patch of uncultivated land, he stumbled upon an interesting specimen of a cup and ring-marked stone. He then made a search, and before he left the ground he had discovered ten specimens. Since then he had found other four or five, all within a radius of ten acres in extent, and most of them lying close together. They bear on their surface a multiplicity of markings, varying from the smallest cup to the most complicated figures." <1>

The site was written about by N MacRae in 1923. <2>

Nearby at NH 5786 6614 is a small rock outcrop bearing on its horizontal upper surface about six hollows, two of which at least appear to be cup marks, and others possibly due to weathering, if not weathered cups. Cairn and cup-marked rock surveyed at 1:2500. Visited by OS (A A) 1 October 1973.

No change. Visited by OS (JB) 8 November 1976.

The site was photographed from the air by R B Gourlay in 1983. <3>

Over several days between the 18th of June and the 14th of August 1987 the rocks at Swordale were subject to scale drawing and were surveyed by a team of individuals associated with the Highland Regional Council. Both R B Gourlay and D Scott conducted surveys of the stones and each created a map showing the location of sites they had recorded. <4>

Another two photographs were potentially taken at this time as part of the survey work undertaken. <5> <6>

On the 24th of July 1987, several of the stones were photographed by P R Campbell and they were photographed again on the 14th of August by L A Robertson, both of the Highland Regional Council. <7> <8> <9> <10> <11> <12> <13> <14> <15> <16> <17> <18> <19> <20> <21> <22> <23> <24> <25> <26> <27> <28> <29> <30>

On the 18th of Feburary 1991 the area including the farmstead, field system, chambered cairn and cupmarks was Scheduled. <31>

A number of stones were re-photographed by D Scott in 1992. These were stones: 5, 14, 15, 19 and 22. <32>

The whole site was re-surveyed by D Scott in 2012. At this time a total of 28 stones were identified and recorded. The stones in all descriptions have followed this numbering system. For more information, please see the attached report. <33>

Note: The GIS data for this record is based on D Scott's 2012 survey, but shapefiles are available for both of the 1987 surveys carried out by R Gourlay and D Scott for comparison.

Sources/Archives (33)

  • <1> Text/Publication/Article: Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club. 1875-80. 'The Black Rock in Ross-shire' in Transactions of the Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club, Vol I, 1875-1880. 361-70. Digital (scanned as PDF).
  • <2> Text/Publication/Volume: MacRae, N. 1923. The romance of a royal burgh: Dingwall's story of a thousand years.
  • <3> Image/Photograph(s)/Aerial Photograph: Gourlay, R B. 1983. Deserted settlement and site of numerous cupmarked rocks, from the north-west. B/W Negative. . Original & digital.
  • <4> Collection/Project Archive: Highland Regional Council. 1987. Project archive of field survey carried out by Highland Regional Council in 1987. Highland Regional Council. No. Digital (scanned from pdf).
  • <5> Image/Photograph(s): Highland Regional Council. 1980s. Cupmarks, Swordale. Colour Slide; Digital Image. No. Original & digital.
  • <6> Image/Photograph(s): Highland Regional Council. 1980s. Cupmarks, Swordale. Colour Slide; Digital Image. No. Original & digital.
  • <7> Image/Photograph(s): Campbell, P R. 1987. Cup marked stone: one of many in a complex of stones. B/W Negative. No. Original & digital.
  • <8> Image/Photograph(s): Campbell, P R. 1987. Cup marked boulder: one of many in a complex of boulders. B/W Negative. No. Original & digital.
  • <9> Image/Photograph(s): Campbell, P R. 1987. Cup marked boulder: one of many in a complex of boulders. B/W Negative. No. Original & digital.
  • <10> Image/Photograph(s): Campbell, P R. 1987. Cup marked stone: one of many in a complex of stones. B/W Negative. No. Original & digital.
  • <11> Image/Photograph(s): Campbell, P R. 1987. Cup marked boulder: one of many in a complex of boulders. B/W Negative. No. Original & digital.
  • <12> Image/Photograph(s): Campbell, P R. 1987. Cup marked boulder: one of many in a complex of boulders. B/W Negative. No. Original & digital.
  • <13> Image/Photograph(s): Campbell, P R. 1987. Cup marked stone: one of many in a complex of stones. B/W Negative. No. Original & digital.
  • <14> Image/Photograph(s): Campbell, P R. 1987. Flash failure - Cup marked stone: one of many in a complex of stones. B/W Negative. No. Original & digital.
  • <15> Image/Photograph(s): Campbell, P R. 1987. Cup marked boulder: one of many in a complex of boulders. B/W Negative. No. Original & digital.
  • <16> Image/Photograph(s): Campbell, P R. 1987. Cup marked stone: one of many in a complex of stones. B/W Negative. No. Original & digital.
  • <17> Image/Photograph(s): Campbell, P R. 1987. Cup marked boulder: one of many in a complex of boulders. B/W Negative. No. Original & digital.
  • <18> Image/Photograph(s): Campbell, P R. 1987. Cup marked boulder: one of many in a complex of boulders. B/W Negative. No. Original & digital.
  • <19> Image/Photograph(s): Campbell, P R. 1987. Cup marked boulder: one of many in a complex of boulders. B/W Negative. No. Original & digital.
  • <20> Image/Photograph(s): Campbell, P R. 1987. Flash failure - Cup marked stone: one of many in a complex of stones. B/W Negative. No. Digital.
  • <21> Image/Photograph(s): Campbell, P R. 1987. Cup marked boulder: one of many in a complex of boulders. B/W Negative. No. Original & digital.
  • <22> Image/Photograph(s): Campbell, P R. 1987. Cup marked stone: one of many in a complex of stones. B/W Negative. No. Original & digital.
  • <23> Image/Photograph(s): Campbell, P R. 1987. Cup marked boulder: one of many in a complex of boulders. B/W Negative. No. Original & digital.
  • <24> Image/Photograph(s): Campbell, P R. 1987. Cup marked stone: one of many in a complex of stones. B/W Negative. No. Original & digital.
  • <25> Image/Photograph(s): Campbell, P R. 1987. Cup marked boulder: one of many in a complex of boulders. B/W Negative. No. Original & digital.
  • <26> Image/Photograph(s): Robertson, L A. 1987. Boulder, cup marked 'Q'. B/W Negative. No. Original & digital.
  • <27> Image/Photograph(s): Robertson, L A. 1987. Cup marks, boulder 'L' - taken from the SE. B/W Negative. No. Original & digital.
  • <28> Image/Photograph(s): Robertson, L A. 1987. Cup marks, boulder 'J' - taken from the SE. B/W Negative. No. Original & digital.
  • <29> Image/Photograph(s): Robertson, L A. 1987. Cup marks, boulder 'I' - taken from the SE. B/W Negative. No. Original & digital.
  • <30> Image/Photograph(s): Robertson, L A. 1987. Cup marks, boulder 'E' - taken from the SE. B/W Negative. No. Original & digital.
  • <31> Text/Designation Notification/Scheduled Monument: Historic Scotland. 1991. Entry in the Schedule of Monuments: The Monument known as Drumore, farmstead, field system, chambered cairn and cupmarks. Digital (scanned as PDF).
  • <32> Image/Photograph(s): Scott, D.. 1992. Photographic recording of cup marked stones (5, 14, 15, 19 and 22) at Druim Mor, Evanton. Colour digital. Yes. Original & digital.
  • <33> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Scott, D. 2012. Druim Mor Cupmarks: Swordale Hill, Evanton, Easter Ross. Scott, D. Yes. Digital.

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Record last edited

Oct 6 2017 10:07AM

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