Monument record MHG14554 - Raining's Stairs, Inverness
No summary available.
Grid reference | Centred NH 6676 4516 (30m by 30m) (Buffered by site type) |
Map sheet | NH64NE |
Geographical Area | INVERNESS |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
NH64NE 165 6676 4516.
NH 6676 4516 Watching brief during digging of three test pits by developers on steep 45 degree slope adjacent to Raining's Stairs to E of Castle Street medieval street frontage (NJ64NE 104).
Exposed W-facing section of one pit revealed layers of burnt daub associated with charcoal lenses and possible stone floor surface. Access to section not possible but spread of material covered area of c2m square. Indication of at least three phases of timber structures. A post hole was visible in the E-facing section.
Represents evidence for possible medieval timber buildings terraced into hillside to rear of main Castle Street frontage.
Sponsor: Inverness District Council.
Hanley 1993a.
Rescue excavation in advance of building development on steep slope adjacent to Raining's Stairs to E of Castle Street medieval street frontage (NH64NE 104) was undertaken. This produced evidence for a timber building terraced into the slope of Barn Hill, of a single phase of construction founded on re-deposited gravels. This was destroyed by burning, with charcoal-rich deposits associated with spread of charred ?oak planking, indicating probable plank wall in sill beam construction.
Building sealed by redeposited gravels, a probable cultivation soil and deep hillwash deposits. Associated pottery (currently under study) suggests a 14th to 15th-century date for the building construction.
Site probably represents 'backlands' development to E of main Castle Street frontage.
Watching brief ongoing.
Sponsor: Inverness District Council.
Hanley 1994b.
Sources/Archives (2)
- --- SHG1383 Text/Publication/Article: Hanley, R. 1993. 'Raining's Stairs (Inverness & Bona parish): burnt timber structure/s', Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 1993, p.43-4. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland. 43-4. 43-4.
- --- SHG1384 Text/Publication/Article: Hanley, R G. 1994. 'Raining's Stairs, Inverness (Inverness & Bona parish): medieval building', Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 1994, p.35. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland. 35. 35.
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Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
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Record last edited
Aug 8 2016 1:51PM
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