Monument record MHG15075 - Dalmore


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Grid reference Centred NH 9289 1540 (100m by 100m) (Buffered by site type)
Map sheet NH91NW


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Type and Period (2)

Full Description

Centred on NH 929 154

The remains of at least 5 buildings with an enclosure and corn-drying kiln lie on the NE edge of a large field. This is the settlement shown as Dallimore on Roy's map of c1750. It is not listed as a separate settlement in the 1841 census and is presumed to have
been abandoned by that date. The edge of the modern field is defined by the remains of a boundary wall probably that shown on the 1867-9 OS survey. This only survives for cl00m, the remainder having been removed. The settlement shows a variety of building types suggesting there is a history of settlement preserved here.

3/1 The modern access to the field is cut through a rounded rectangular enclosure 24m by 13m that lies immediately NE of this field. This enclosure has been further damaged by quarrying on the E side that has removed between a third and a half of the interior.

3/2 On the E side of this enclosure on a slight rise is a rectangular building aligned E/W 10m by 3m. A modern quarry scoop lies to the E. Two rectangular hollows one 6m by 3m and the other 3m by 2m lie to the W of this. A series of ?aspen seedlings are attempting to cover this area but are being partially kept down by grazing.

3/3 Immediately N of the boundary fence shown on the current OS map in an area of birch woodland are 3 possible structures. All three are partially overgrown. The best preserved lies cm the E measuring 10m by 3m, aligned NE/SW. It slopes slightly downhill to the SE and from stones exposed here it may taper to a rounded end. In style and preservation this would stem to be earlier in date than building 3/2.

3/4 On the same alignment as building 3/3 is a rectangular hollow 8m by 3m that may once have been a building.

3/5 Aligned more N/S is a hollow scoop 4.5m by 6m that may also mark a building.

3/6 2m S from a strainer post of the modern rylock fence is a corn-drying kiln with its entrance to the SE. The central bowl-shaped chamber is 3m by 4m by 0.75m deep. There is an oval chamber 3.5m by 2m, presumably the fire-box, outside this.

3/7 30m to the SW of the large enclosure there are the remains of a possible rectangular structure 6m by 3m.

Wordsworth 1996, Site 3 (see Hlinked report)

Sources/Archives (1)

  • --- Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Wordsworth J. 1996. An Archaeological Survey of Kinchurdy Farm, Boat of Garten. Wordsworth Archaeological Services. 22/03/1996. Digital (scanned as PDF).

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Jun 30 2016 10:56AM

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