Building record MHG15292 - Cottage, Hempriggs
Grid reference | Centred ND 3502 4711 (37m by 29m) |
Map sheet | ND34NE |
Old County | CAITHNESS |
Civil Parish | WICK |
Geographical Area | CAITHNESS |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
See also:
ND34NE0007 House
ND34NE0013 Mill lade
ND34NE0028 Mains Farm
ND34NE0036 Lodge
ND34NE0043 Road Bridge
ND34NE0044 Stables
ND34NE0045 Walled Garden
ND34NE0046 Bridge
Jhooper, 2/11/01
Visited 24 March 2009. Application for Listed Building Consent to demolish has been received. The building has deteriorated since the listed building photograph was taken in 1984. Most notably the southern-most chimney has fallen, apparently fairly recently and the pointed-headed windows have been boarded-up. It is unknown if the lattice pane glazing survives behind the boarding. The drystone wall that enclosed the garden plot survives only to the front (east) road facing side. It is not known when this was cleared. <1> <2>.
A drawn and photographic record was made of this building as a condition of Listed Building Consent for repairs and renovations. The building has been substantially altered over time, probably starting life as a fairly standard later 19th-century crofthouse. The pointed arch windows do not reflect the styling of Hempriggs House and the building is not therefore believed to have served as a gatehouse as is suggested in the listed building description. Rather it is believed that the windows were altered and/or inserted by a later owner using material from a previously demolished building of unknown provenance. The piended roof may or may not be original. It is noted that one of the windows in the south elevation is set very high in the wallhead which could possibly suggest that it was originally set in ridged gable. A full description of the building together with plans, elevations and photographs can be found in the survey report. <3>
Sources/Archives (3)
- <1> SHG23286 Verbal Communication: Puls, A. Comment by Andrew Puls, HC Archaeologist.
- <2> SHG23993 Image/Photograph(s): Puls, A. Site Visit Photographs. Colour. . Digital. 24/03/2009.
- <3> SHG24553 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Humphreys, P. 11/2009. Building Survey: Hempriggs, Caithness. Highland Archaeology Services Ltd. Digital.
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Protected Status/Designation
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
Related Events/Activities (1)
Record last edited
Dec 2 2009 2:57PM
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