Monument record MHG1650 - Keiss Road Broch
No summary available.
Grid reference | Centred ND 3487 6150 (56m by 59m) |
Map sheet | ND36SW |
Old County | CAITHNESS |
Civil Parish | WICK |
Geographical Area | CAITHNESS |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
RCAHMS. 1911. Caithness. Edinburgh: HMSO, 156-7, No. 516.
Road or Kirk Tofts, Keiss, ND36SW0001
This broch, dug out in the late nineteenth century, appears much as it did when first excavated, although it is now rather overgrown. It consists of the broch tower lying at the centre of a maze of humps and bumps representing associated structures. (43)
Within the tower, a sense of the way in which the living space was organised can be seen in the arrangements of upright slabs dividing the floor into separate areas. The opening to an underground well or chamber close to the centre and a slab built tank can also be seen. (51)
Armit, I., 1997. Celtic Scotland. Edinburgh: Batsford.
RCAHMS. 1911. Caithness. Edinburgh: HMSO, 157-8, No. 517.
Information from SCRAN Project, March, 2000
ND36SW 1 3488 6151.
Kirk Tofts (NAT) Broch (NR) OS 1:10,000 map, (1976)
The Road Broch is one of the best examples of a 1st phase broch (1st centuries BC and AD), although it was re-used during Broch II phase (2nd, 3rd centuries AD) and again during the post-broch era. It was built on a mesolithic kitchen midden.
The dimensions of original broch appear to have been 34ft internal diam, with walls only about 12ft thick.
The second phase of occupation involved external strengthening of walls, creation of a secondary entrance and blocking of original entrance, as at Keiss. During the third phase of occupation secondary entrance was blocked and original entrance re-opened again as at Keiss. The large circular court at the entrance, with accompanying outbuildings, internal slab compartments, and massive wall that surrounds complex, also belong to this period. Finds from broch include vessels and implements of bone and stone, querns (both saddle and rotary), ingot moulds and sherds, including a fragment of 2nd century Samian ware.
Anderson notes foundations of an oblong, rectangular building which he suggests could be church (ND36SW 2) which is said to have stood in the vicinity; but similar buildings are associated with Keiss broch (ND36SE 2) and Whitegate broch (ND36SE 3). The foundations lie between the circumavallation, the graveyard and the road, and since they overlie the wall of an outbuilding by some 4ft, appear to be of much later date. A Young 1964; RCAHMS 1911, visited 1910; J Anderson 1901; Name Book 1873; A D Lacaille 1954; S Laing 1866.
'Kirk Tofts' Broch, now overgrown, is generally as described above. There is no trace of the alleged church noted by Anderson and only SE arc of outer rampart is clearly discernible.
Resurveyed at 1:2500. Visited by OS (N K B) 6 September 1965.
Samian sherd now in NMAS. A S Robertson 1970.
NW entrance has a feature very rare in brochs, a stair running up from W side of passage, which recalls design of the dun at Forse. It is probable that this broch shows how an imported fort plan was modified by the pre-existing local traditions seen at Forse.
E W MacKie 1975.
A hipped bone pin and a slotted and pointed iron object from the site are datable to the period about 600 - 934 AD by comparison with finds from Lagore crannog, Co. Meath.
R B K Stevenson 1955; L R Laing 1975.
The second of the two finds (above) is presumably the 'harpoon of iron 1ft 8.5ins in length, the barb 1 5/8 by 1.75ins with a slot below it, from the surface rubbish over the mound on Keiss Broch'.
Proc Soc Antiq Scot 1908.
The broch was photographed by the Highland Council in 2000(?) as part of the SCRAN Project. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> <10> <11> <12>
As part of a wider study of Iron Age Caithness, spnsored by the National Museums of Scotland, Keiss Road Broch was one of six such sites recorded by total station survey in 2000. <13>
The broch was one of two such sites subsequently surveyed in September 2004 in a project overseen by AOC Archaeology Group and involving students of the University of Nottingham as part of the wider study into Iron Age Caithness.
Two 2m x 1m trial trenches were excavated in 2006 by AOC Archaeology Group. One trench was excavated within the central area of the broch, and a second one outside and to the northeast of the broch. The trench in the interior revealed no surviving in situ deposits. The trench outwith the broch revealed a topsoil deposit of at least 2m depth. No direct evidence of archaeological structures or artefacts was encountered. <14>
Sources/Archives (25)
- --- SHG1296 Text/Publication/Article: Anderson, J. 1901. 'Notices of nine Brochs along the Caithness coast from Keiss Bay to Skirza Head, excavated by Sir Francis Tress Barry, Bart., MP., of Keiss Castle, Caithness', Proc Soc Antiq Scot Vol. 35 1900-1, p.112-48. Proc Soc Antiq Scot. 112-48. 131, 139; plan.
- --- SHG1353 Text/Publication/Article: Stevenson, R B K. 1955. 'Pins and the chronology of brochs', Proc Prehist Soc Vol. 21 1955, p.282-94. Proc Prehist Soc. 282-94. 285.
- --- SHG1444 Text/Publication/Article: Robertson, A S. 1970. 'Roman finds from non-Roman sites in Scotland', Britannia Vol. 1 1970, p.198-226. Britannia. 198-226. table 2.
- --- SHG1714 Text/Publication/Article: Hartley, B R. 1972. 'The Roman occupations of Scotland: the evidence of samian ware', Britannia Vol. 3 1972, p.1-55. Britannia. 1-55. 55, No. 8.
- --- SHG2399 Text/Publication/Volume: Lacaille, A D. 1954. The Stone Age in Scotland. 266.
- --- SHG2402 Text/Publication/Volume: Laing, L R. 1975. The archaeology of late Celtic Britain and Ireland c. 400-1200 AD. 162.
- --- SHG2403 Text/Publication/Volume: Laing, S. 1866. Pre-historic remains of Caithness. 20-2.
- --- SHG2472 Text/Publication/Volume: MacKie, E W. 1975. Scotland: an archaeological guide: from the earliest times to the twelfth century. 228.
- --- SHG2664 Text/Report: RCAHMS. 1911. The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments and Constructions of Scotland. Third report and inventory of monuments and constructions in the county of Caithness. . 157-8, No. 517; plan.
- --- SHG293 Text/Publication/Article: Young, A. 1964. 'Brochs and duns', Proc Soc Antiq Scot Vol. 95 1961-2, p.171-98. Proc Soc Antiq Scot. 171-98. 181-2, No. 16.
- --- SHG624 Text/Publication/Article: PSAS. 1909. 'Donations to and purchases for the Museum and Library, with exhibits', Proc Soc Antiq Scot Vol. 43 1908-9, p.8-23, 73-5, 145-6, 176-9, 268-71, 291-5. Proc Soc Antiq Scot. 8-23, 73-5, 145-6, 176-9,. 19.
- <1> SHG14502 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 2000?. Keiss Roadside Broch. Colour Slide; Digital Image. . Original & digital.
- <2> SHG14503 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 2000?. Keiss Roadside Broch. Colour Slide; Digital Image. . Original & digital.
- <3> SHG14504 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 2000?. Keiss Roadside Broch. Colour Slide; Digital Image. . Original & digital.
- <4> SHG14505 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 2000?. Keiss Roadside Broch. Colour Slide; Digital Image. . Original & digital.
- <5> SHG14506 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 2000?. Keiss Roadside Broch. Colour Slide; Digital Image. . Original & digital.
- <6> SHG14507 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 2000?. Keiss Roadside Broch. Colour Slide; Digital Image. . Original & digital.
- <7> SHG14508 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 2000?. Keiss Roadside Broch. Colour Slide; Digital Image. . Original & digital.
- <8> SHG14509 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 2000?. Keiss Roadside Broch. Colour Slide; Digital Image. . Original & digital.
- <9> SHG14510 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 2000?. Keiss Roadside Broch. Colour Slide; Digital Image. . Original & digital.
- <10> SHG14511 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 2000?. Keiss Roadside Broch. Colour Slide; Digital Image. . Original & digital.
- <11> SHG14512 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 2000?. Keiss Roadside Broch. Colour Slide; Digital Image. . Original & digital.
- <12> SHG14513 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 2000?. Keiss Roadside Broch. Colour Slide; Digital Image. . Original & digital.
- <13> SHG3035 Text/Publication/Article: Heald, A. & Jackson, A.. 2001. Towards a new understanding of Iron Age Caithness. Proc Soc Antiq Scot Volume 131. 129-147. Online.
- <14> SHG25796 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Barber, J.. 2006. A short note on archaeological excavation and survey carried out at Keiss Road Broch, Keiss, Caithness. AOC Archaeology Group. Paper and Digital.
Finds (8)
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Record last edited
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