Monument record MHG16815 - Site of the house of Sir Torquil & Lady Matheson, Duirinish
Grid reference | Centred NG 7853 3138 (10m by 10m) |
Map sheet | NG73SE |
Geographical Area | SKYE AND LOCHALSH |
Old County | ROSS-SHIRE |
Civil Parish | LOCHALSH |
Type and Period (2)
Full Description
The listed building report for this building describes it as a mid/late 19th century, single storey, 3-bay cottage. However see below. <1>
This building was of non-standard construction and in a dilapidated state when an application was made, and granted, for listed building consent to demolish. The building is understood to have begun life as a timber shed. It had stone gables, but the front and rear elevations consisted of rendered timber which was added c.1934 when the shed was converted to a dwelling. It was considered by the Council's Conservation Officer that the extensive nature of the works required to renovate the dwelling would result in very little of the historic fabric remaining, and that it would not be possible to replicate many of the original features due to modern building regulations. Accordingly the original objection was withdrawn and the application was reluctantly supported. <2>
Photographs of the building were submitted prior to demolition. <3>
It is unclear whether the stone gables were added later or whether they represented the remains of an earlier structure, perhaps of early 19th-century date as originally suggesed by Historic Scotland. A roofed building is marked in this location on the 1st edition Ordnance Survey map. Unfortunately the information submitted prior to demolition does not shed any further light on this. <4><5>
Sources/Archives (5)
- <1> SHG24041 Dataset: Historic Scotland. Information Supplementary to the Statutory List (This information has no legal significance). Digital. HB6982.
- <2> SHG25561 Collection/Planning Archive: Highland Council Planning & Development Service. 2009-10. Planning and listed building consent submission for Burnside, Duirinish (09/00114/FULRC AND 09/00115/LBCRC).
- <3> SHG25562 Image/Photograph(s): D Kelly Design. 2007-2009. Photographs and plan of Burnside, Duirinish. Colour. Digital.
- <4> SHG23422 Image/Map: Ordnance Survey. 1871-76. Ordnance Survey 1st edition 25 inch map: Ross-shire. Digital.
- <5> SHG23297 Verbal Communication: Tilbury, S. Comment by Sylvina Tilbury, HER Officer. 01/12/2011.
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Record last edited
Feb 8 2012 10:32AM
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